ADHD + HD 1:1 Coaching


6 months to take back the drivers seat of your life in this revolutionary coaching space which anchors your transformation in Rave Psychology & The Primary Health System (Human Design).

Enrollment Closes In:









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Tired of approaches to Human Design that don't honour your unique brain?


There's something I know to be true about you:

You’ve always been the one to achieve, to excel, to push through every obstacle and climb every mountain. You wore the label of "high performer" & "perfectionist" proudly throughout your life as you have been exceptional at everything you have taken on.

But lately, something’s shifted. The strategies that once worked—your drive, your passion, your relentless pursuit—are no longer delivering the results they used to. You’re feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, and emotionally exhausted, wondering if the very traits that fueled your success are now holding you back.

I call this the "mid life split" where high performing women living with ADHD begin to question everything they knew to be true about themselves.

You’re not alone, and it’s not your fault.

The symptoms you’ve managed your whole life—feeling scattered, impulsive, emotionally explosive, or struggling to stay focused—aren’t flaws in your character. They’re signs of ADHD.

But here’s the truth: these traits don’t define you, and they don’t have to derail your success.

This is your moment to harness your unique design and thrive with ADHD on your terms.

It’s time to stop battling against yourself and take back the drivers seat of your life in a way that works for your unique brain.

Together, we will transform these challenges into strengths, so you can continue to be the high performer you know you are—only now, with less struggle and more ease, joy, and fulfillment going after goals that actually matter to you.

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Have you felt like no matter how much Human Design or Gene Keys information you take in you are *still* making "not self decisions" then immediately regretting them?



You’ve been navigating life with strategies that don’t always match how your mind truly works. It’s time to move beyond the one-size-fits-all solutions that have left you feeling frustrated, misunderstood, or like you’re always just trying to catch up. Instead, embrace an approach that celebrates your differences, understands your challenges, and taps into the natural strengths of your unique design and ADHD mind.

By combining the personalized insights of Human Design with ADHD strategies tailored specifically for you, you will learn how to thrive in ways that feel authentic and sustainable. It’s time to stop fighting against yourself and start using the tools that align with who you really are—tools that leverage your creativity, align you with your core values and non-negotiables, address self sabotage patterns, and foster a sense of focus and resilience within your personal and professional spheres.

Imagine an approach where every decision you make, every routine you build, and every goal you pursue is designed for how you uniquely operate. This is your opportunity to redefine success on your own terms, working with your brain instead of against it.


Proven Process

Not only have I put myself through this process however I have worked with women within my private coaching using these exact tools to help them create a life on their terms.

I ask that to enter this space you have a foundational knowledge of Human Design and have been experimenting for at least 1 year.  The reason for this is that we will be primarily addressing the Primary Health System & Rave Psychology.

Personalized Support

We will meet 3 times per month on zoom to work through my THRIVES Method, which has proven to be the exact structure ADHD'ers like you need to stay focused and address their life holistically.

You will receive all zoom recordings emailed to you within 24 hours of our call, if you wish for them to be recorded.  You will also receive any supportive materials that enhance your journey.

Voxer Support

Voxer support is Monday- Friday weekly with 1 area of support daily.  it is not a space to chat back & forth but to deepen within the work together & address blocks in real time.  I have 2 times per day I check Voxer to stick to my own schedule & avoid distractions.

The True Human Design Teachings

Integrity is a core value of mine, therefore I stick to Ra Uru Hu's teachings around Human Design which I learned from studying at the International Human Design School & BG5.  I then apply these teachings to my background in counselling & Psychology to help women thrive within an approach that works for their unique brain.

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6 months to thrive with ADHD + HD


Structured support to focus on what matters


It’s time to step into a new chapter, one where you’re no longer held back by ADHD symptoms or overwhelmed by burnout (No, having no energy or being impulsive is not your design!).

In this six-month coaching program, you’ll embark on a structured journey designed specifically for high-performing women ready to end self sabotage patterns & understand themselves on a deeper level. Using my unique THRIVES Framework, we will focus on a different pillar each month, ensuring a comprehensive, holistic transformation that addresses all areas of your life.

Here’s what your journey will look like:

Month 1: Thoughts and Mindset

In Month 1 we address evidence-based techniques for self-acceptance, overcoming procrastination, prioritizing and planning, emotional regulation, and the most crucial skill EVER when it comes to thriving with ADHD: mindset management.

Using Human Design’s Awareness and Perspective Variables we will dive into Rave Psychology to uncover the thought patterns and beliefs that hold you back and replace them with ones that align with your true potential. Positive psychology techniques will help you build resilience, confidence, and clarity.

Month 2: Health and Well-being

Next, we’ll dive into your physical health and well-being, focusing on creating sustainable habits that support your unique ADHD mind and body. We’ll explore your Environment and Digestion according to the Primary Health System of Human Design, optimizing your daily routines for vitality and energy.

We’ll also work on aligning your body through the lens of the Gene Keys, specifically the Vocation Gene Key, which is associated with your core energy and physical alignment. We’ll examine how your posture, spinal health, and overall physical alignment can impact your well-being and reflect your life purpose. By understanding these connections, you’ll learn practical strategies to manage ADHD symptoms, reduce stress, and enhance your physical and mental health from the inside out.


The journey continues...


Month 3: Relationships and Connection with Others

Research shows that ADHD can significantly impact relationships, often leading to misunderstandings, emotional dysregulation, impulsive reactions, and communication challenges. These symptoms can strain even the strongest connections, causing frustration and feelings of disconnection for both partners. In this month, we’ll focus on understanding how ADHD affects your relationships and explore ways to transform these dynamics.

Using the Gene Keys’ Venus Sequence, we’ll delve into your core wound and how it shapes your interactions and emotional patterns. Together, we’ll uncover strategies for enhancing communication, setting healthy boundaries, and building deeper, more authentic connections that feel supportive and nourishing. This month is about creating relationships that honor your unique design and bring more love, understanding, and harmony into your life. 

Month 4: Income, Business, and Career

This month is all about aligning your professional life with your true purpose and strengths. Traditional career advice often overlooks the unique challenges and gifts of ADHD minds, but we’re doing things differently. We’ll dive deep into the Gene Keys’ Life’s Work, Vocation, and Pearl spheres to help you unlock your potential in income, business, and career.

First, we’ll explore your Life’s Work—your primary purpose and how you are meant to express your unique talents in the world. Understanding this will help you find or create work that feels meaningful and aligned, reducing frustration and burnout.

Next, we’ll dive into your Vocation sphere, which represents your core driving force and how your deepest challenges can become your greatest strengths. By connecting with your true calling, you’ll discover new ways to bring passion and purpose into your career or business.

Finally, we’ll look at the Pearl sphere, which focuses on prosperity and abundance. This isn’t about working harder; it’s about working in a way that aligns with your unique design. We’ll explore how you can create wealth naturally by staying true to who you are and what you’re here to contribute.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or navigating a corporate career, this month will empower you to redefine success on your own terms, find fulfillment, and achieve true prosperity without sacrificing your well-being.

Month 5: Vitality and Emotional Energy

This month is dedicated to understanding and managing your emotional landscape to sustain your vitality and well-being. For many with ADHD, emotional sensitivity can feel like a rollercoaster—frequent highs and lows that can drain your energy and impact your daily life. We’ll explore how to transform emotional turbulence into emotional resilience and strength using the profound insights of the Gene Keys and Human Design.

We will dive into the Sphere of EQ (Emotional Quotient) and the Pathway of Love to understand the nature of your emotional patterns, your deepest emotional challenges, and how these have shaped your life. You’ll learn to navigate your emotional waves, building emotional intelligence and creating more harmonious relationships with yourself and others.

Next, we’ll explore the Sphere of SQ (Spiritual Quotient) and the Pathway of Realization. This journey will help you connect to your inner child and uncover the deeper spiritual lessons embedded within your emotional experiences. By understanding and integrating these lessons, you’ll find a greater sense of peace, purpose, and inner harmony.

Throughout the month, we’ll also examine your emotional energy through the lens of Human Design, specifically focusing on the Solar Plexus Center and Sacral Center. You’ll learn how to manage your life force energy effectively and avoid the traps that lead to burnout or overwhelm.

By the end of this month, you’ll have practical tools to maintain emotional balance, sustain your vitality, and harness your emotional sensitivity as a powerful source of creativity and connection. This is about achieving emotional freedom and living a life filled with joy, ease, and flow.


Name of Third Module


Month 6: Excellence and Meaning

In our final month, we focus on achieving excellence and uncovering deeper meaning in your life. For many with ADHD, traditional notions of success can feel limiting or out of reach *or* we become so hyper focused we lose sight of what really matters to us & gives us meaning. That’s why, in this month, we will redefine what excellence and fulfillment mean to you—on your own terms.

We’ll dive into Positive Psychology techniques to help you cultivate a strengths-based mindset, focusing on what you do best rather than on perceived weaknesses. You’ll learn how to leverage your unique gifts, values, and passions to create goals that are both meaningful and motivating. We’ll explore concepts like flow, resilience, and growth mindset to help you find sustainable ways to achieve your vision of success.

We’ll integrate the teachings of Human Design and the Gene Keys to deepen your understanding of your unique purpose. By revisiting the Life’s Work, Vocation, and Pearl spheres, you’ll clarify how you’re meant to express your gifts in the world and create impact in a way that feels fulfilling and authentic.

Throughout this month, we’ll use practical tools from positive psychology, such as gratitude practices, self-compassion exercises, and goal-setting techniques tailored for ADHD minds. These methods will help you cut through self-doubt, overcome procrastination, and stay motivated and aligned with your true path.

By the end of this journey, you’ll have a clear, actionable roadmap for pursuing excellence and meaning in all areas of your life, grounded in a deep understanding of who you are and what truly matters to you.

Integrated Spirituality

Throughout the coaching container, we weave spirituality into each month, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery that incorporates Human Design’s Rave Psychology and Primary Health System, as well as the transformative insights of the Gene Keys. This spiritual pillar supports you in connecting deeply with your true self and aligning with your purpose.

This journey isn’t just about quick fixes or simply managing symptoms; it’s about transforming your entire life from the inside out.

You’ll develop practical strategies, gain deep self-awareness, and learn how to leverage your unique design to cut through self-sabotage and achieve the goals that truly matter to you.

Are you ready to thrive beyond the limitations of ADHD and step into your most empowered, aligned self?

What Others Have Experienced


"This pure Generator just gets me going! Ashley knows how to light my fire.  I have never been so fulfilled, so happy, so in my element, so creative, so lit up. I can't remember the last time I made this much money. The formula is not what they say it is. You have your own unique formula & no one has brought this out more in me than Ashley.  You need to get inside her programs.  Trust me!

She is one of the only people that I will continue to work with.  She finds out about YOU & what YOU want & how YOU operate. She doesn't fit you into a box, she doesn't tell you what to do based on some ridiculous formula.  She guides you back to you.  Never have I felt more free, never have I felt more alive never have I felt so fulfilled AND on mission with my purpose.

A lot of people struggle with this for so long, I did as well. Ashley is your girl for all things business.

My life has transformed because of Ashley. I  get moved to tears when I think about her because she cares about me & there are so many people in this journey who didn't.  They just saw me as a dollar sign & cared about my money, they just told me to do things that weren't right for me- Not Ashley.  

Ashley has a heart of gold & I am just so honoured to be in her world."

Ashley Vincent, Influencer Manager at Ashley's Light Media

"If you’re a high level entrepreneur or business looking for the best support to help you optimize your team and scale your opportunity for profits - Ashley is your only choice.

She is leading the way when it comes to advanced, integrity based human design training and consultancy and is paving the way for so many business owners, professionals, and athletes to succeed.

As a Positive Psychologist and CEO of a multi million dollar online training company myself, with a 30+ person staff, and a close knit and highly curated leadership team I am committed to creating high performance and not just optimizing, but weaponizing our human capital so we can scale our company faster and help more people in the world.

That’s why I hired Ash to support our team to gain clarity around our best styles of leading, communicating, and working together so we can leverage her expert knowledge and support to help us grow. 

Whether you are an individual or a team you’re getting left behind if you don’t do this work.

Thinking about taking a course, hiring her as a coach or bringing her in to work closely with your team like I did? Do it - your people, profits, and purpose will thank you for it.” 

Niyc Pidgeon, Founder of Unstoppable Success, Creator of The Positive Psychology Coach Academy Certification, Award Winning Positive Psychologist, & Hay House Author.

I can't wait for you to take back the drivers seat of your life!


I know what it feels like to be a high achiever—to build an identity around being a perfectionist, always striving, always accomplishing, always pushing to reach the next goal. I’ve been there, hitting every milestone, climbing every ladder, only to reach a point where things begin to crumble & all that masking of ADHD begins to catch up with you in forms of exhaustion, burnout, & disorganization.

Maybe it was a major life event where the cards fell down, or like me you left the structure of corporate & started your own business and suddenly you started to question certain "personality traits".

And maybe, like me and many before you, at first you thought it was "just your design" to be like that.

I understand what it’s like to stand at the threshold of change, wondering if those traits that felt like your personality were really just symptoms in disguise. To feel the weight of years of striving, only to realize that many of the struggles, the traits you’ve been hard on yourself for, weren’t flaws—they were actual differences in your brain.

I also understand what it's like to take medication, see professionals, and also feel like that isn't fully "it" either.

This is why I created ADHD + HD, for women like you.

This is your moment, your doorway to understanding yourself on a deeper level. To recognize that the things you’ve battled against don’t have to define you. You have the power to manage them, to build support systems that work for you, and to reclaim control over your life. I’m here to help you take back the driver’s seat and create a path that is true to who you are, with less struggle, more joy, and a lot more freedom.

I can’t wait to be a part of your journey.

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We Offer Different Payment Plans


1 Payment of


Paid In Full

  • Special pricing for September ONLY!  Regular pricing is $6000 pay in full.
  • 3 Coaching calls per month on zoom- 1 hour in length
  • Voxer support Monday- Friday with 1 question per day to work through.
  • Any workshops I launch at no cost.
  • PDF's & workbooks as appropriate. 
  • Receive free enrolment to the ADHD + HD signature program launching early winter 2024. The program is based on the 1:1 coaching outline.
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6 Payments of


Paid Monthly

  • Special pricing for September ONLY! Regular $1111
  • 3 Coaching calls per month on zoom- 1 hour in length
  • Voxer support Monday- Friday with 1 question per day to work through.
  • Any workshops I launch at no cost.
  • PDF's & workbooks as appropriate. 
  • Receive free enrolment to the ADHD + HD signature program launching early winter 2024. The program is based on the 1:1 coaching outline.
Apply Today

Receive These Amazing Bonuses!

Receive THRIVES with ADHD + HD

My signature course THRIVES with ADHD + HD is a small group support version of this framework.  Receive the course at no cost to enjoy the benefit of being in community with other women on the same journey.

Workshops Included

Receive access to any paid workshops launched during our time coaching together to support our work & dive deeper into different aspects of the ADHD + HD world.

Hi! I'm Ashley.



Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not here to be your accountability coach. I won’t be chasing you down with to-do lists, nagging you about tasks, or checking in to see if you’ve done the thing you said you’d do.

That kind of stuff doesn’t work for the long haul anyway.

My extensive experience includes being a triple-certified coach, a student at the IHDS Holistic Analyst Degree Program, a Holistic Nutritionist, and a Gene Keys Guide.  This varied background provides a truly holistic approach to helping you change you life from the inside out.

My approach is also different than most—I practice causal coaching, where we dig deep to get to the root of what’s really going on. This empowers you to find your own answers, solve challenges from the inside out, and make lasting change.

While I specialize in helping women with ADHD navigate their unique challenges, the strategies and tools I use go beyond any single label. They’re designed for anyone ready to break free from limitations, embrace their true potential, and live an extraordinary life. Whether you’re looking to overcome overwhelm, find clarity, or simply reconnect with what truly matters, my approach offers a holistic pathway to flourishing that works for everyone, no matter where you’re starting from.

So, here, forget “being held accountable or "being motivated". I’m here to equip you with strategies and tools that actually work in the real world—so you can thrive on your own terms.

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ADHD is not one of those things that improves long term through sheer willpower or through only learning more Human Design information.


If you’re anything like I was, trying to self-manage my own ADHD through endless scrolling, constant impulsive decisions, & learning MORE (of everything), I can promise you that it won’t get better on its own.

Something needs to change.

What you’ll discover in ADHD + HD are the foundational concepts to managing and thriving with ADHD in a way that honours both your unique design & brain.

And as the saying goes, the best time to start was yesterday, but the next best time is now.


Enrollment Closes In:









Frequently Asked Questions


Take your first step towards your true self


You’ve come this far for a reason. Now is the time to choose yourself, invest in your growth, and reclaim the life you deserve. Let’s begin this journey together—toward a life that feels more aligned, more joyful, and truly yours.

ADHD no longer will have the control over your life it once had.

Simplified with Multiple Payment Plans


1 Payment of


Paid In Full

  • Special pricing for September ONLY!  Regular pricing is $6000 pay in full.
  • 3 Coaching calls per month on zoom- 1 hour in length
  • Voxer support Monday- Friday with 1 question per day to work through.
  • Any workshops I launch at no cost.
  • PDF's & workbooks as appropriate. 
  • Receive free enrolment to the ADHD + HD signature program launching early winter 2024. The program is based on the 1:1 coaching outline.
Apply Today

3 Payments of


Paid Monthly

  • Special pricing for September ONLY! Regular $1111
  • 3 Coaching calls per month on zoom- 1 hour in length
  • Voxer support Monday- Friday with 1 question per day to work through.
  • Any workshops I launch at no cost.
  • PDF's & workbooks as appropriate. 
  • Receive free enrolment to the ADHD + HD signature program launching early winter 2024. The program is based on the 1:1 coaching outline.
Sign Up Today