Tired of Feeling Stuck with Your ADHD?

ADHD + Human Design: The Foundations ~ A 2 Day Workshop to help you go from Confusion to Clarity and breakthrough the patterns holding you back.

Enrollment Closes In:









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What would clarity around your ADHD feel like?


If you’re someone with ADHD, you already know what you should do to improve your life.

Your shelves are filled with self-help books and the countless programs you’ve tried prove that. The accolades and achievements show that you can push through and perform at high levels when needed.

But let’s be real – the challenge isn’t in knowing what to do. It’s in consistently implementing what you know.

Despite your successes, why does it feel so hard to apply the same drive to the areas where it matters most?

If this sounds like you....

You’re not alone.

ADHD isn’t about a lack of knowledge or drive; it’s about how our brains are wired, and understanding that wiring is the key.

AND, there may be deeper patterns at play – things like emotional waves, burnout cycles, or hidden conditioning within your Human Design. These patterns can make ADHD symptoms even more intense and keep you stuck in the same loops.

This is where I come in.

By illuminating your unique energetic blueprint with Human Design, you’ll gain insights into why certain behaviors and thought patterns keep repeating and how to break free from them in a way that honours your natural strengths.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything but still can’t get the results you want, this is your chance to finally understand why and learn how to work with your ADHD brain instead of against it.


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Are you a high-performing woman who’s ready to finally break free from the frustration of ADHD?


• Do you often feel overwhelmed by all the things you should be doing, yet struggle to actually get started or stay consistent?
• Are you tired of feeling like you’re always pushing through brain fog, losing track of time, or stuck in cycles of burnout and frustration?
• Have you mastered “high performance” in your career, but still feel like you’re constantly battling with your mind to reach your true potential?

You know there’s more waiting for you beneath the surface, but figuring out how to get there with ADHD has felt like an endless maze.

This two-day Foundations workshop will help you:

• Understand why certain patterns keep showing up and how ADHD and Human Design impact your energy.
• Gain clarity on how to use your unique strengths to get unstuck.
• Finally, create a personalized approach that aligns with your brain and energy, allowing you to thrive both professionally and personally.

Introducing ADHD and Human Design ~ A 2 Day Workshop

Go from confusion to clarity as you breakthrough the patterns holding you back.
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Here's What You'll Gain from the ADHD + Human Design Foundations Workshop


It's time to transform the way you understand and manage your ADHD


Live Zoom Trainings

2 hours of live training on October 26th and 27th.

Human Design + Gene Keys for ADHD

Explore key aspects of Human Design & Gene Keys in relationship to your ADHD!


Can't make it live? That's ok!  You will have access to the replay in your Kajabi portal.  Access will be for 1 year after purchase.

VIP Upgrade Option

Join me on a zoom call hot seat, just like I run my masterminds.  Receive individualized support for your design & journey.

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ADHD + Human Design Workshop Content Preview


Human Design and ADHD


On Day 1, we’ll explore how your Human Design type, strategy, and authority impact the way your ADHD shows up in your life. You’ll also get an overview of the centers, discovering how they influence your energy, focus, and decision-making.

This will be an information-packed session that gives you the essential insights you need to start making breakthroughs immediately. While we’ll cover the core concepts, this is just the first step in truly understanding yourself on a deeper level—because there’s so much more to explore in the vast world of Human Design.



Day 2

Gene Keys and ADHD


On Day 2, we’ll dive into the Gene Keys and how this profound system can shed light on the deeper layers of your ADHD. We’ll focus on two critical places that I consistently see play a major role in helping you understand yourself on a deeper, more personal level.

We’ll also explore how the Venus Sequence offers insight into your emotional patterns and how to navigate them. This is where you’ll begin to connect the dots between emotional triggers, conditioning, and the cycles you find yourself repeating.

It is highly recommended to have The Venus Sequence.  You can purchase it separately HERE.


VIP Upgrade

Take Your Transformation to the Next Level with Personalized Support


If you’re ready to go deeper and get personalized insights, the VIP upgrade is for you. As part of this exclusive option, you’ll get access to an intimate VIP Q&A call where we’ll work through your specific challenges and blocks, using a hot seat coaching format.

This call will be run like a mini-mastermind, where you’ll have the opportunity to sit in the “hot seat,” receive direct feedback, and gain tailored guidance based on your unique Human Design and ADHD experience. You’ll walk away with actionable steps that align with your personal energy and strengths—helping you implement what you’ve learned more effectively and make breakthroughs faster.


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Why this workshop was created for you


You’ve spent years pushing through, trying to manage your ADHD with willpower alone.

But now, you have the chance to gain clarity and finally understand why certain patterns keep repeating—and how to break free from them.

This two-day workshop is more than just information. It’s a life-changing opportunity to:

• Discover what makes your ADHD unique to you through the lens of Human Design and Gene Keys.
• Finally stop feeling stuck and start living in alignment with your energy.
• Learn strategies that actually work for your ADHD brain, empowering you to create lasting change.
• Join a community of like-minded, high-performing women who are also ready to thrive.

The tools and insights you’ll gain in this workshop will set the stage for breakthroughs you’ve been searching for—and this is just the beginning.

Now is the time to stop spinning your wheels and take action. Your transformation starts here.


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Two Options to Suit Your Needs!


*Please note this is for personal use only.

1 Payment of


2 Day Workshop

  • 2 days of training, each 2 hours (4 hours total).
  • Training days are October 26th and 27th at 11am eastern.
  • Replay access for 1 year.  Replay will be uploaded within 24 hours of the live call.
  • Upon signing up you will receive a welcome email that contains the zoom links.  Please ensure you check junk/ spam for this email.
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1 Payment of


VIP Option

  • 2 days of training, each 2 hours (4 hours total).
  • Training days are October 26th and 27th at 11am eastern.
  • Replay access for 1 year.  Replay will be uploaded within 24 hours of the live call.
  • Upon signing up you will receive a welcome email that contains the zoom links.  Please ensure you check junk/ spam for this email.
  • An intimate zoom call where there will be hot seat personalized coaching.  This is scheduled for October 29th at 11am eastern.
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Hi! I'm Ashley.



I’m Ashley Briana Eve, a burnout recovery and ADHD coach with a passion for helping high-performing women thrive. Like many women, I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. And for a long time, I felt like I was spinning my wheels—trying to manage my symptoms with only traditional approaches or only spiritual healing, but never finding lasting success.

It wasn’t until I combined the logical strategies—like understanding how my brain works, medication, and structure—with the profound insights of Human Design and Gene Keys that I began to see real breakthroughs. I realized it’s not about choosing between the medical and the spiritual; it’s about embracing both.

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping other women with ADHD, especially high performers. High-achieving women are often overlooked in the ADHD world because they appear to be thriving on the outside—accomplishing incredible things—but inside, they’re feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood, and often wondering if they’re just “crazy.”

I don’t believe ADHD is inherently a strength, but I do believe it’s something we can work with rather than constantly fighting against. You don’t have to let ADHD be the thorn in your side—you can learn to thrive with it, embracing both practical and spiritual tools that honor who you are.

This is why I created the ADHD + Human Design Foundations Workshop. It’s designed to help high-performing women like you understand your unique wiring and finally stop spinning your wheels, so you can live with clarity, focus, and ease.

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This could be you!
Are you ready for your breakthrough?



There is quite literally no one teaching this.  Take the first step toward clarity by learning how to work with your ADHD, not against it, using the powerful insights from Human Design + Gene Keys

Apply What You Learn

Commit to exploring both the practical steps with the spiritual contemplations with your ADHD.  Doing the same thing & expecting different results is insanity.  Be open to a new approach.

Thrive in Life

Experience the freedom and focus that comes from understanding your mind and leveraging your strengths to create lasting success, without burnou.

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Enrollment Closes In:









Frequently Asked Questions


Ready to take control of your ADHD & THRIVE?


Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the clarity, confidence, and freedom you’ve been searching for.

Here’s what you can expect when you join the ADHD + Human Design Foundations Workshop:

  • Expert Guidance: You’ll receive practical strategies and spiritual insights tailored to your ADHD and Human Design, allowing you to finally understand how your brain works and what it needs.
  • Interactive Learning: Each session is designed to be engaging and informative, ensuring you walk away with a deep understanding of your unique wiring and tools to create lasting change.
  • Immediate Impact: You won’t just learn theory—you’ll get actionable steps you can start implementing from Day 1 to improve your focus, decision-making, and overall well-being.
  • Supportive Community: You’ll be surrounded by other high-performing women who understand your challenges and are also committed to thriving with ADHD.

This is your opportunity to stop feeling stuck and start thriving in life with ADHD—on your terms.

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This is your moment to breakthrough

You’ve already made it this far because you’re ready for something different. Imagine what life could look like when you truly understand yourself, leverage your ADHD, and align with your unique energy. It’s time to stop struggling and start thriving—don’t miss out on this opportunity to finally make that breakthrough.

Simplified with Multiple Payment Plans


1 Payment of


Paid In Full

  • 2 days of training, each 2 hours (4 hours total).
  • Training days are October 26th and 27th at 11am eastern.
  • Replay access for 1 year.  Replay will be uploaded within 24 hours of the live call.
  • Upon signing up you will receive a welcome email that contains the zoom links.  Please ensure you check junk/ spam for this email.
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VIP Upgrade


Paid Monthly

  • 2 days of training, each 2 hours (4 hours total).
  • Training days are October 26th and 27th at 11am eastern.
  • Replay access for 1 year.  Replay will be uploaded within 24 hours of the live call.
  • Upon signing up you will receive a welcome email that contains the zoom links.  Please ensure you check junk/ spam for this email.
  • An intimate zoom call where there will be hot seat personalized coaching. This is scheduled for October 29th at 11am eastern.
Sign Up Today