5 Tips for Adding Aligned Strategy in Business

Jun 11, 2022

Human Design (and Gene Keys) aren’t inherently the easy button or fast track to multi-6 figures that a lot of the viral memes allude to online…

Even the famous “Projectors aren’t here to work” was taken wayyyyyy out of context from the larger message Ra Uru Hu had during that lecture that particular sound bite was removed from.

And yet, it also CAN absolutely be the fast track to the multi 6 & 7 figure business of your dreams.

What makes the difference & what allowed me to scale a business rapidly approaching a million dollars in under 2 years?

I use Human Design as the scaffolding to guide me, not the box or answer…

I look at ME as the human, and my clients as the HUMAN, first.  What are their dreams, desires, what does flow, fulfillment, & freedom look like for them?

What is their big why & inner drive that powers their vision & business?

Then we polish, refine, magnify through Human Design.

What does aligned strategy & structure look like for them?

Then we polish, refine, magnify through Human Design.

Tailoring the outfit, rather than trying to fit into a funky one that may or may not fit.

And this is from someone that just invested ANOTHER $8, 500 USD in education at the official schools! 

I love it AND I do not look to it for the formula, just like I don’t look to my mentors to give me a copy paste formula that is guaranteed to net mutli-6 figures without tailoring it to myself then taking action.

 So what are 5 tips for adding aligned strategy in business?  Check them out below!

1.Just Start!

So many people worry about making an unaligned decision or not self decision that they never get started.

At least start somewhere & make decisions as you go based on your inner authority. Do not allow this to become another self sabotaging behaviour that keeps you... and your business.... exactly where you are.

EVERY design can implement strategy, it is simply about finding what feels perfect for you!

  1. Nail your niche

Now, before you panic: Niche IS your soul tribe! You aren't here for everyone... And if you aren't here for everyone WHO are you here for?

Hot tip I teach my clients: The niche is YOU!

When you nail this you can THEN build out the strategy & message for them.

Even Ra Uru Hu said every design needs to know who they are talking to. Start somewhere & you can follow strategy & authority as you go.

  1. Start at the big vision & work backwards

Most spiritual entrepreneurs end up in my world because they are burned out going month to month & continuously launching. They are stuck in reactivity within the business.

It doesn't have to be that way, in fact, wouldn't it be nice to have $30, 000 + in recurring revenue PLUS new sales?!

Incorporate short term tactics AND long term strategies in to your business.

  1. Cut out the noise

5 minutes of scrolling and you can end up down a rabbit hole that very likely can pull you off path of what is true for you...

The internet is filled with "this design can do that", "that design can't do this"... And ultimately there are no hard truths.

Before you know it you are throwing spaghetti at the wall wondering why nothing is working for getting you off that hamster wheel from hell.

Cut out the noise & stay the course. You will never get actual feedback on what works for you if you never give it a fair chance!

  1. Build a life, not just a business

When building your business build it around your life. While constant launches & live programs may feel good now it may not forever.

Build a business that supports you & creates harmony & freedom so that you can truly thrive. So many spiritual entrepreneurs operate from "When I hit ___ then I will ___" (Feel freedom, be fulfilled, hire out, build strategy).

Start laying the foundation now for a life wilder than your dreams and the business of YOUR dreams while giving yourself the grace to pivot as you go.



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