A Mindset of Success is Not Optional

Nov 29, 2022

A mindset of success is not optional.  It separates those that succeed from those that struggle.

It isn’t something I was born with.  I was homeless at 15, declared bankruptcy in my 20’s after leaving my masters due to finances.

And even later in life I specifically remember, after Monty retired from osteoarthritis in his spine, walking down the barn aisle & pausing while I looked at a row of horses owned by one person.  I muttered to myself “must be nice”, as I felt sorry for myself that my eventer was retired & I “couldn’t afford” a second horse.

Now, I have 4 horses & we are moving into the dream farm in 31 days.

It was a conscious decision to create my own life, a conscious decision to pull up my big girl panties, a conscious decision to fulfill my destiny.

And I continue to consciously make those decisions EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I work on my mindset every single fucking day.  I decide, choose, & create discipline around what will move the needle every single day.

I don't believe in settling. I don't believe I have to choose. I have simply always decided what anything gets to mean to me then take action FROM that place, rather than working towards that place.  

Most people work from default mindsets, default identities, & get so in the muck of their current reality they wonder why things aren’t changing.  Well, things can’t change until YOU do.  

The worst spiritual money mistake is just taking what you can get or just getting by. What change, exactly, can you make in your own life, your family's life, & the world by just getting by?

People say “I don’t even know what I would do with multi millions or billions”.  Are you kidding me?  Jesus.  Every day I wake up with a fire in my belly to change this world, and if you claim to be here to “raise the collective consciousness” then the reality is it requires money.  It requires wealth.  I dream of the day of having millions per year to put into animal rescue, to help end animal testing, to help children & youth (I spent years working with at risk youth as a counsellor & I would love to make a bigger impact in that field!).

We are truly creators of our lives, yet you have to decide it applies to you as well & begin taking action from the place of your next level now.

As we go into a new week stop working on autopilot & consciously create your reality.  No matter where you are in your business your next level requires a different version of you.  Do the same things, get the same results.





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