A New Zodiac?!

Jul 15, 2020

Hey hey my friend!  I woke up to this news and couldn't wait to share because it really got me thinking!  While Human Design & Astrology provide the back drop of my coaching containers I am always coaching my clients into being their OWN authority and not turning over their authority to anyone, including Human Design. When I saw this information it really got me thinking about the IMPORTANCE of that!

So the question I have for you today is:
Are you SO sunk in to soul that changes to the zodiac don’t phase you?
Are you SO committed and tuned in that if, whoopsie, astrology was incorrect and you are a Manifestor not Projector you wouldn’t miss a beat?
I have heard a few things in regards to this, including that it is Vedic astrology not Western therefore you can choose which one feels right for you however for the sake of this post let’s imagine that this is true and you never were the sign you thought you were; the sign you were basing decisions of your life & biz off of.
Now what?
An even deeper kicker… minutes can change your Human Design chart and very few hospitals have the exact time of birth! Whenever I see time on the dot (1:00, 1:30) I get super suspicious that it is the exact moment of birth. Maybe it is, likely it was rounded.
On some software my Human Design chart comes up with an open ego because the software doesn’t take into account daylight savings. I went a YEAR believing I had an undefined ego. And guess what, I was like “ya, I can relate” then when it switched to defined I thought “Ya, I can relate”…
Because, based on daylight savings in my area I have a defined ego.
Now, am I saying throw Human Design & astrology in the bin? NO! I coach on Human Design and I believe in the foundations of it HOWEVER this is what I have been saying!
We cannot RELY on systems to tell us who we are, how we behave and why we do the things we do. Here’s the reality:
You do the things you do based on conditioning. You do the things you do because of the identity you have created for yourself which creates your internal filters, beliefs, values, habits and actions.
Stop justifying your laziness because you are a Projector.
Stop justifying your imposter syndrome because of your undefined ego.
You are lazy because your identity has become “I am lazy” and you have ALLOWED, based on your internal filters, for the “Not here to work” portion of the Projector design to reinforce that identity, belief, habits & actions.
You are dealing with imposter syndrome because EVERYONE DOES and it is part of the human experience to doubt yourself. Now, what you do from there determines your reality. You can move despite fear or you can stay exactly where you are but justifying your situation using your undefined ego.
I am doing Tony Robbins virtual UPW. This is INNOVATION at the extreme! He is literally redefining online events. Errr, but wait…. An MG isn’t supposed to innovate… A Manifestor is. Except no one told Tony that and if they did he told them where to go because this, if you add up bare minimum enrolment prices, is over a 10 million dollar launch. And we know not everyone bought bare bones enrolment (I sure as shit didn’t…. Go big or go home, right bitches!?!), and you KNOW that there were a shit ton of VIP enrolments & lifetime access purchases to the free comeback challenge.
What did Tony do? He put together a beautiful launch sequence, the free 7 day comeback challenge he did was a launch sequence with Facebook ads and such on all platforms to support it (I was even seeing his ads on Youtube), and led into his offer of the virtual UPW and it fucking soareeedddd! And here he is, instead of sitting at home pouting that he can’t do live events literally creating a state of the art online EXPERIENCE. Not workshop. EXPERIENCE.
What am I getting at?
You have a choice to define yourself by systems. If TODAY the Jovian Archive came out and was like “WHOOPS! Astrology was wrong…. Make sure to head over and get your new updated chart!” and yours went from Projector to a Manifestor or a Generator to a Reflector… Or you went from a Splenic authority to an emotional authority…. How would you respond?
Had you been listening to soul all along ABOVE. ALL. ELSE?
Were you saying YES to soul all along ABOVE. ALL. ELSE?
We are a society obsessed with understanding ourselves more, instead of doing the harder inner work to listen to soul and make decisions from soul.
Seeking answers outside of us also provides a fancy limiting belief loop hole of “It’s not my fault. Look at my chart!”.
Again, I am not saying throw Human Design & astrology in the bin. I am saying use your critical thinking skills. I am saying think greater than your environment. I am saying trust soul above all else.
And, as I coach my clients, use Human Design and the information you receive from it as a guideline and EXPERIMENT with it.
There is also this pesky thing called confirmation bias. Don’t use a system, no matter how cool, “IN” or badass, to confirm your existing beliefs or theories that are limiting you.
My 1:1 coaching is more MINDSET, Psychology, strategy & Quantum than Human Design. I keep the design in the back of my mind, and help my clients experiment with it but I do not BOX my clients in with it.
I have seen Human Design coaches telling Projector clients that they can’t be healers. This is all crap. If soul directs you in a direction, you go. WTF would Tony Robbins be doing if a Human Design coach told him he can’t innovate. Give your conditioned head centre a shake. Lift the veil. Expose YOUR truth.
I am opening up a waitlist for an August start to my 1:1 coaching! It now comes with a fitness & nutrition program to keep you at PEAK PERFORMANCE at all times! This is friggin badass.
I will also offer strictly 1:1 fitness coaching. Those details will be live later today!
I also encourage you to journal on the questions at the beginning of this email!  Do you trust soul above all else? Are you tapped in enough to be unshakable?  Unconquerable?



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