Addiction to Perfection & Toxic Positivity

Apr 26, 2022

I’ve noticed a theme since entering the self-development & coaching world:

Perfectionism hidden as liberation.  The pursuit of masculine goals, that themselves are simply a glimmer of masculinity, in an insatiable chase for power, more, bigger, better, to the point of rejecting life. Maybe even in some cases destroying life.

The perfect job, the perfect title, the perfect pictures, the perfect offer, the perfect grid, the perfect clothes; Human Design itself being reduced to a perceived perfected formula to never get life “wrong”, with jaws on the ground when they hear Ra Uru Hu said it is a 7 year process to even begin unravelling the conditioning.  People in such a rush to teach it they barely embody it.

The incessant voice of “It isn’t good enough until ___”, “You won’t be enough until ___”. And behind the pretty pictures, fancy grids, and ever increasing amounts of money in many cases you find unhappy women.  Unhappy with their business model, unhappy with their life, unhappy with the hamster wheel they bought themselves.  I know, not only because that was me at one point, caught up in the mess & addiction to launching, but I have worked with countless women who had “made it”, even to 7 figures, yet were exhausted, unhappy, & done.

The freedom & fulfilment they sought simply a chain to the patriarchal machine. 

What many wounded maidens get trapped within is the "If I can do it you can too" marketing, oftentimes from deeply desiring to fit in, to be seen, to “finally be enough” or “worthy”, impatient in her own path & timing.  Yet do you even want to? Is that even your path? Timing is everything. If it is creating more suffering, if no matter how hard you try the bell isn't ringing, it is either the wrong spiral, the wrong time, or the wrong bell. Yet, the wounded maiden pushes harder, tries harder, kills herself more in the endless chase of perfection.

This is also not about the wounded maiden of blaming, projecting, & reaction against something else.  I find right now, often, the wounded maiden is using her energy in another way that is outsourced & unfocused.  Giving up her power, rather than claiming it.  It is about settling deep into your path. It is about recognizing when we are forcing ourselves to be the disciplined goddess Athena, or swinging to the other side of the repressed energy of Medusa.    Trapped in the extremes we never find happiness or silence.  While we go back & forth in this endless inner battle between extremes we forget about the maiden Andromeda, chained to the rock, in danger of being sacrificed to a monster.

The unwinding is a process. The inner wounded maiden speaks, attempts to drive decisions, and in that moment you are able to decide if you react. This shows up in simple, almost insidious, ways sometimes, such as feeling like I must apologize if I am not "done up" for coaching calls, as if a full face of makeup changes my ability to hold space.  Yet with each inner maiden urge to apologize, to seek outwards approval from the masses, or act in any performative way, I choose me. I choose to be the spell breaker, not the spell maker.

I said to my husband the other day “I just want a small farm where I can sell fruits & veggies… How simple that would be!”, and I meant it.  When Richard Rudd says that prosperity is about simplicity I didn’t fully GET it until the last 6 months.  It took time to unravel.  Yet, when you ring THIS bell, you truly can’t go back.



P.S-  The Gene Keys Branding Workshop is open to enroll now.  It will having you rethink everything you know to be true about branding AND there is a bonus training where I will talk about the wounded maiden, and how she shows up in business, for the first time ever.

If you are desiring to go on a slow journey of unravelling your higher purpose through Gene Keys, The Golden Path is open again for enrolment.  Take your time.  Start at the beginning, and enjoy the slow unravelling.

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