Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

Aligned Action is What Provides Results

#alignedaction #alignedbusiness #alignedstrategy #alignedstrategyinbusiness #crossfit #humandesign #humandesign&bg5 #humandesign&business #humandesign&wealth #sacral&humandesign #sacralyes #sacredfeminine #sacredrebel #strategy&authority Jul 11, 2022

What is keeping you where you are is not the fact you need MORE information.

What is keeping you where you are is that you are not taking aligned action with the information you have now,

With what your inner authority is responding to NOW.

I was thinking about this today.

I signed up with one of the top CrossFit coaches to get back into competitive shape & just equipped our home gym (Garage & basement!) with all the bells & whistles to get back to the shape I need to be in.

At no point, when in the process of hiring this coach, did I think “Will this be the right program for me?”, “Will this coach be for me”...

Because the reality is it can literally be the best program, coach, information, programming, etc on the planet & if my ass isn’t getting up everyday & acting like the athlete I need to be…

If I am not ensuring I am getting the sleep I am…

If I am not ensuring I am eating how I need to eat….

The program won’t work.

It can’t work.

In FACT I asked myself “Am I willing to be the athlete I need to be to match this program”.

And, if I believe it won’t work, or my identity doesn’t match who I need to be to execute the rigorous training, it still won’t work.  I will get started then quit.

So, it rests with me, the success or failure of the program.

One of the reasons I have almost quit teaching Human Design (multiple times) is because over & over again the mind pulls someone along on this BS trail of “I just need to know _____ about my design THEN I can ____”, when that intention alone is not from strategy & authority…

And everything else being in alignment, environment, digestion, cognition, perspective, channels, gates, colour, tone, base, selling through the openness, leveraging your strengths…

BEGINS with the aligned action. 

All of it.


There is no exception.  No one is the exception to the rule.  Strategy & authority trumps all & unlocks all.

Yet the identity of “I just need ___ before I can ___” is keeping people exactly where they are.  And sure, you can hire all the coaches, sign up for all the programs, try all the different systems, yet you will ultimately always default back to the level of your identity (“I am someone that needs more information before I can take aligned action”).

And this isn’t to say don’t hire the mentors or take the programs.  I didn’t hire a Crossfit coach because I don’t know how to train for CrossFit. I used to train Crossfit athletes, and I have been a personal trainer for over 15 years now.

I did not hire the coach to give me information.  I hired him to help me collapse time, to see my blindspots or self sabotage patterns, & to anchor me deeper into who I need to be to continually grow within the sport.  Ultimately, to CHALLENGE me.

And with my clients it isn’t about hiring me to teach them something.  That isn’t my role & I refuse it to be.  Just because I have studied Human Design, just because I continue to study BG5 in Profit Potential & Business Cycles does not mean I TEACH it.  Teaching it to you gets you nowhere but fills your mind with more information.

You don’t need information.

What leads to your next level is embodiment.  Movement from aligned action.  Grounded truth.  Becoming MORE & MORE of you & allowing your business to support that ever evolving expansion.  

My role is to be the objective guide, to see your blindspots or self sabotage patterns (from your unique design), help you find the correct strategy for you, & ultimately guide you to becoming MORE of you through our work together.

The Sacral Yes is my last planned Human Design program.  This isn’t just about what you will learn in it or the strategy I will teach you to build a successful business your way, the sacral way.  It is about being in the energy of someone that is so grounded in their sacral YES that it is just a way of life.  I simply move from there.  I don’t overthink, I don’t question, I move.  THAT is where the magic & shifts happen.  Starting to understand the mindset & energy of being that person that is fully surrendered to that sacral yes & has built a wildly successful business , and continues to, despite pivots, shifts, changes of direction, & ultimately constantly stepping deeper into the unknown of who I am meant to be.

We begin July 25th.



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