Ancient Dark Feminine Businesshood
Jun 10, 2022
A reclamation: “I am ME! I belong to myself & that is more important than anything else”....
When the dark goddess pulls it all down, leaves everything in shambles around us, even leaving us questioning our own sanity, what we realize we are left with is ourselves…
Not alone, no.
Yet, the final realization that “I am ME, and I belong to myself. I hold the power within”.
With everything burned down around you, the wholeness & integrity of you, your medicine, your gifts, your voice, is what you come back to.
It is crucial to reach this stage from an ego standpoint, because until we belong to ourselves we cannot enter into a meaningful relationship with the archetypal energy.
Yet, when you claim your own uniqueness then the Goddess rejoices & embraces you.
This has been a path I walked many times in my lifetime, and likely many before…
And it is what caused so much pain & turmoil in my business in the beginning (and admittedly, does from time to time when I attempt to make sense of it all) is explaining “me” & what I do…
Yet I am me, a walking paradox, a walking mystery that will never fully be unlocked, including by myself.
And this is the unraveling & unwinding…
The path less traveled…
That I hold a lantern on for my clients.
Not as their guru.
Not to fix them (they, and you, are not broken).
But simply to hold the lantern.
Walk side by side into the dark.
A powerful co-creation vortex that words will never describe,
As the paradox of the feminine will never allow.
My clients have often referred to it as “void walking”, and I am comfortable with that. Comfortable walking into the void. Maybe most comfortable there.
I often feel like Persephone, spiralling in & out of the underworld & heavens as my clients (and own) journey calls.
When we ascend, when we move through rights of passage, there must be a death for the rebirth. We must offer something up to HER. We must go into the underworld to fly higher than before.
When the mind is working overtime, however, to keep the world in order we cannot fully relax into her.
Maybe what you are actually being called into is allowing it all to fall so you can see the fullness of your power, and realize that all the pieces of you that you pushed down & made “wrong” are exactly the pieces that have been pushing to come through & exactly the pieces that will ring out across the cosmos for lifetimes to come.
Prosperity: The high level 3 month mastermind for Generators & MGS is now here. This is exactly the work we will be doing there.
I also have spots open, beginning the end of the month, for 1:1 calls or Voxer support. I do ask for Voxer support that we have worked together previously.