Ask Ashley: Gene Keys in Relationships
Feb 10, 2022
I was asked by a new client today within Exponential Prosperity, my new 1:1 Spiritual Mentorship:
“Does my partner need to do this work too for things to shift?” (the work being #humandesign & #genekeys)
My response:
“This is a misconception that often exasperates even more tension in relationships. The truth is it takes only one person to begin transforming the relationship. Contemplation of YOUR shadow patterns. When this work is taken on your partner will experience a simultaneous opening.
When you disarm the shadow patterns from ruling your reactions you create profound spaciousness in the relationship that will be felt by your partner. This is space for miracles.”
You see, when you begin to transform the shadow frequencies in your DNA, you attract new kinds of relationships & new higher elements into your existing relationships. What often happens in the spiritual space is a hierarchy in the sense of a belief we have “outgrown” someone due to their “unwillingness” to see things differently….
What if the growth opportunity was for you to see things differently & how this relationship is part of your karma leading to powerful transformation & greater evolution within your life’s work?
What if the work here, moving through the deepest shadows, is what will open your heart & open you to receiving?
Some in their spiritual journey decide to turn away from a relationships & simply see the same shadow patterns happen over & over again within new relationships, coaches, mentors, friendships. You will continue meeting the karma again in the next, in a different form until it is healed & shifted.
The healing here is part of your karmic backpack you brought with you, and within that, your healing heals others.
I invite you into seeing your partner, or even relationships with those close to you, as your own set of projections. Each time you are able to pause between external trigger & response you give yourself space to see your patterns & inner paradigms at work….
You are given a gift to see through your own projections & break a negative pattern they only you can heal.
Within this work you not only shift your own frequency but your partners & the world at whole.
The Venus Sequence is an interior path, a path of contemplation, in which you quietly observe your own behaviour reflected in the mirror of your relationships. The Venus Sequence is not for the faint of heart & will tug at your deepest core wounds within relationships. It will also offer up the greatest source of healing if you allow it to.