Be The Person Designed For Success

Jan 25, 2023

I had NO idea WTF I was doing but I saw an ad for Beachbody, was completely mind blown that you could build a business online (Yes, I had NO idea!) & said yes. 🤯😂

I then said yes to a $1,000 program without any money in my account.  At the time I was counting down to 3 pay months at corporate.

I then said yes to a $5, 000 USD mastermind with a line of credit I was pre-approved for days after the mastermind launched.

With all of the above “YES’S” I had:

❌No idea how to grow a business online. 

❌No clients.

❌No program idea or what a Kajabi was.

❌I thought Evergreen was a tree.

❌I thought copywriting was copying someone else’s writing.

I also was diagnosed with:

Depression & anxiety shortly before all of this went down.

What I decided was:

✅ I was over shitting the bed with bullshit stories on why not me why not now.  I was tired of “one day”.

✅I was going to take MASSIVE ACTION on what I knew to be true now.  I never once focused on ROI (Didn’t even know what that was in the beginning) or how much I would get from what I paid for.  

✅That results & changing my life came back to ME, not my environment or circumstances.

✅That I would think greater than my environment, therefore creating a reality greater than my current environment.

✅ I would be bold & have the courage to change my life.  My first year of FB/IG lives were a hot mess but I went live daily & wrote every single day.

I went on to create:

💰10K the first month

💰6 figures in 6 months

💰500k in under 2 years

Next milestone is 1 million dollar years.

It’s fucking wild.  I never thought this was something that could happen to someone like me YET I always took action as if it absolutely could happen to someone like me…

Not only could but that my success was inevitable.  Even if I didn’t know how.

You will NOT scale the business without:

💸Taking action NOW.  “One day” will always be your truth if you say it now.

💸Faith that your success is inevitable.

💸Radical self honesty & responsibility.

💸Resiliency to keep going when times get tough (they will no matter your level).

💸Getting turned on just a bit by risk.. Business

You simply won’t.  AND I believe entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone because of this.

So be honest with yourself:  

Do you want your dreams enough to get over your drama?

Do you want to make an impact more than you want comfort?

If the answer is yes then MOVE.  BE your next level self now.  THINK like her now.  MOVE like her now.  THINK like her now. 

Keep a promise to YOURSELF.

One day never comes.  Today is the day.



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