Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

BG5 Public Role (Profile): The 1/3 Authority Pioneer

#ashleybrianaeve #badassbusinessbabe #bg5 #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #businessgrowth #businessleader #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&wealth @bg5publicrole May 21, 2022

“Why the hell do I keep failing at things… I just want to investigate & gain a solid foundation”....

“I am tired of things not working out, I just want to gain security in my business”.

The whole point of Human Design is harmonizing your profile lines so that you can step into your role, and ultimately live out your destiny (Incarnation Cross).

Now, of course you require strategy & authority to GET there, to GET your life back.  Without surrendering to your strategy & authority you will never get your life back.  Strategy & authority gives you your life back by allowing you to recognize how your energy works, how you are designed to interact with the world, and how to make important decisions.

Making decisions in business to be the authority/ pioneer doesn’t work if you are sitting down at your desk wondering how to bring new solutions or what to gain a foundation in.  Life comes to you, and you respond using strategy & authority.

Something important to understand is that the conscious aspect is what we identify as “us”.  Unconscious means you are literally NOT identified with it.  It is the feeling of “why the hell is this happening to me”/ “why does this KEEP happening to me”.

A lot of unconscious 3rd lines tend to come to me tired with their trial & error.  Exhausted from bumping into life.  They are desperate to gain a solid foundation.  

Harmonizing your profile lines does not mean statements like “I am TIRED of things not working out” will never pass from your lips again because the 3rd line will always remain unconscious and you will always have the aspect of instability within a design that craves stability (1st line conscious).  What it DOES do is help the 1 degree shifts back AND gives you insight into the mechanics of what is happening.  For someone like a Generator, for example, we can also ensure you are entering into things using strategy & authority then halt the process of quitting things when it feels like “too much trial & error” in business.  We can identify when pressure & not self frustration is causing the desire to want to quit & start over with something else.  For someone with a design meant to see cycles through this makes a DRAMATIC difference in their life & business.

Awareness doesn’t stop the mechanics but it gives YOU your power back & allows me to help guide you in powerful ways within your life & business.

Who is a 1/3? Can you relate to the above?

Share with others to help bring awareness & alleviate some of the not self suffering!



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