Your Throat Chakra is NOT blocked....

Oct 16, 2021

It may have originally been but how long is that excuse going to drive your reality…


I have coached thousands of women (and men) in Human Design so far.


The biggest motivating factor in incorporating a Holistic approach to Human Design?


Not because I felt like “Wtf am I even doing with my degree in Psychology”.


But because something I have witnessed (Hey, I am capable of saying also in myself in my journey!) in the spiritual space, especially, is a belief, and therefore identity, that creates a personality around being “blocked” & that’s why you can’t speak your truth, launch the course, live your life the way you desire.


But REALLY what has happened is an addiction to a life you don’t even like.


An addiction to the chemicals that are happening from the identity, beliefs & current personal reality that you are experiencing.


An actual addiction to the struggle bus.


A comfort in the current reality that supersedes a desire to change.  


Comfort in the known reality, no matter how uncomfortable, that supersedes the discomfort of an unknown reality.


AND before someone jumps in and says “chakras CAN be blocked”.  Yes, energy can certainly be blocked…


And how much of it is a really shitty excuse that YOU are even bored of?


How much is it a pattern of behaviour that no longer serves?


Discipline isn’t something someone is born with, like brown eyes.


Discipline is something you develop & nurture through continually deciding what your habits are, what your identity is, who you are & what you are going to be in devotion to.


Some people, sure, may have been conditioned to be more disciplined from the time they were kids AND as a conscious awake adult that is no longer an excuse.  You can condition yourself now to be disciplined to your goals & what you desire for your life.


Conditioning is not always bad- it is CHOOSING, consciously, what your conditioning is.  Even repeating affirmations is a form of conditioning yourself.


Is it sexy?




Will it be hard? Yes.


But if you don’t even actively CHOOSE who you are rather than who you have been hold you should/ need/ to be or told who you ARE…


If you are continuing the spiral of “Well this chakra is blocked that’s why I can’t ____”… OR even perpetuating the identity of “I am afraid to trigger someone else’s emotional wave so I can’t ____”…


If you value the discomfort of your known reality over the discomfort of change?


Things won’t change.


Look, I love Human Design, Gene Keys, all the tools, as much as the next HD nerd….



AND I am wide awake to the fact that environment in HD means SHIT if you aren’t thinking greater than your current environment you are experiencing, consciously creating your reality AND consciously creating the identity you wish to be.


You can be a cave & be in your cave simply waiting for the cosmic lottery, as Ra used to always say!


You can move to the shore but if you continue with the same identity things won’t change.


I am wide awake to the fact that if you are not actually surrendered your mind is still making decisions under the illusion of “following my strategy & authority”.


Human Design is one of the most powerful tools but is being used as junk food for the mind instead of medicine for the soul.


Human Design isn’t affirmations or infographics.  It is you getting into the mud & facing the reality of where you are & where your energy is meant to be then implementing the shifts immediately. 


Human Design isn’t taking a Human Design course & thinking because you listened to a lecture your business & life is going to change.  Change is not passive.  It is ACTIVE & requires those constant 1 degree shifts.  


When I begin with spiritual entrepreneurs 1:1 they are shocked at the layers of mental energy being wasted through devotion to things they don’t even desire.  To habits that created fragmentation between the past & future.  Shocked at how little they actually know themselves & therefore why their products aren’t selling. 


Shocked at how the conditioned open centres (Or even conditioned definition) has created identities that were never theirs to hold.


I opened up 1:1 life/ success/ spiritual (Whatever you want to call it) non business coaching.  Limited spaces available.


This shit matters.


It can be very confronting to face the fact only you & your excuses are holding you back.  AND what action are you going to take from there?


How many times can you say “My throat chakra is blocked” before you actually create change?’

How many times can you blame the open or undefined solar plexus before you say what you have always wanted to say?



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