The programming in the fitness industry is REAL. One thing my spiritual awakening has brought is so much more clarity on how and why the BS continues to thrive in the fitness industry. My understanding of Human Design has also further deepened it.
Now, I was NEVER one to buy into the crap in the industry. I always worked hard, counted calories and knew that stress & sleep were playing a role in my results…. Not when I ate my food or what food groups I ate.
Side note: In regards to food groups I DO believe that proper macro counts, especially getting enough protein for muscle building, fat for hormones (especially for women) and carbs for energy, as well as a whole host of other benefits, is critical. However, carbs aren’t stopping you from reaching your goal. In fact, cutting them out is detrimental to your goals.
But getting to your goals does NOT have to be so complicated.
The reality is this: Genetics can dictate how fast you are able to lose weight or how fast you are able to build muscle. It can also dictate how much muscle you do build. However, very few people in this world are optimizing their genetics, or even meeting the borders of their genetics, because we don’t even give it a chance. Not only do we not give it a chance but very few of us are even awake to the limits of our potential, in all areas of life, including fitness.
In a world of instant gratification the supplement industry makes millions off of fat burners, selling you the latest fad diet, etc…
Millions off of cleanses that are completely unnecessary. I mean thank the heavens your body already has a system to take care of the detox process and remove waste from the blood, namely the liver and the kidneys. Why do people feel better after a cleanse or juice? They ATE BETTER or weren’t eating shit. You can do this without the hundreds on supplements. Also, how many people go back to old patterns AFTER a cleanse or juice? I’ve been in this industry long enough to confidently say A LOT. Just some food for thought.
We are literally programmed to believe that counting calories in an app is more detrimental to our health (Both mental and physical) than cleanses, fat burners, limiting how often we can eat, labeling foods good or bad, removing entire food groups, etc.
Let that marinade for a moment the depth of the programming in terms of health and fitness and it really does prey on our weaknesses...
It LITERALLY sells to your not self open centres.
Can counting calories be a pain in the beginning? Sure, as you get used to it, but now I don’t even think of it. It takes a couple minutes a day to pop in my food.
It also removes the guilt. Yesterday I was super low on calories with an unexpected drive out to the vets to pick up medication. .. Also on off days from training I tend to end up having to catch up on calories. So, we ate pizza for dinner. I ate 1200 calories worth of pizza. It was GOOD because it helped me hit my macros for the day.
(My next podcast episode will be recorded this weekend about that!)
Your goals don’t have to be super complicated:
Know how much you are taking in. Eat in a deficit if you are looking to lose weight. Eat in a surplus if you are looking to gain muscle. You can have a 6 hour eating window but if you are over eating you will gain weight. Simple.
Work within a properly constructed program with progressive overload.
Get sleep, and I know how hard this can be. I personally suffered with SEVERE insomnia for over 2 years. I was sent to therapists to help with it, sleep clinics, medicated... It was bad! I recommend the book “Say Goodnight to Insomnia the 6 week Program”. It changed everything for me.
Manage your mindset. It is your ego that will say what you are doing isn’t enough and you have to do more. It is your ego that will say you will never be successful. Guard the gates of your mind like your life depends on it.