Builders & Express Builders in Business (Generators & Manifesting Generators)

Feb 13, 2023

Just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

I hit this recently in regards to launching a program. The focus of my company right now is expanding into a coaching/ consulting hybrid, rather than focusing on course creation.  While it has been fun for the last few years, the more I learn about Human Design at BG5 & the IHDS the more I want to be IN it with clients, either in long term coaching containers or high level strategic consulting.  I simply can’t provide that in a large group program, nor do I really desire to be a company that serves thousands a year anymore.

At the same time a lot of people have been asking me about a mindset program.  Mindset & rewiring the subconscious are things I am PASSIONATE about, as my 1:1 clients & masterminds clients know.  It is the  foundation of everything we do because, from a coaching perspective, it doesn’t matter what you KNOW about Human Design or business if you are operating from outdated identities & programs that do not fit into where you are moving.

So, I received a yes to a mindset program but no not right now.  I knew I COULD launch it now & it would be a wild success YET it doesn’t connect to the overall vision, therefore it would be a separate pathway in my company… Which ultimately wouldn’t be something that led anyone anywhere long term.

Also (the most important), if I said yes to this, against my sacral I would have had to say NO to more aligned options.  I had dream clients renew for another term in their contract this week, new members to ICONIC my mastermind, as well as new public figure consulting clients.  With the farm now my time is limited for what I dedicate to business therefore being present for a launch AND taking on these new clients would have been too much.  I would have said yes to something & had to say no to something else.

I have worked with literally THOUSANDS of people so far (all designs & types) the last 4 years.  What I see is the BIGGEST problem in  Builder/ Express Builder (Generator/ MG) businesses is allowing pressure from the not self mind to create businesses within the business therefore making business much harder than it needs to be.  Add to this the conditioning going around that this is NORMAL for MGS, and there is a recipe for issues in the business model.

Sacral beings tend to confuse the mind with the sacral and say yes to things in the moment that they ultimately do not have the energy for, rather than staying focused on the long term vision & working backwards from that.


Just because you CAN do something, or have the energy to work, doesn’t mean you are using it correctly.  Ra Uru Hu called us the great quitters because we tend to say yes to things that are not correct & therefore quit.

This leads to burnout, wasted time/ energy in business, and ultimately a business model that ends up needing to be reworked for long term success.

I have a new offer for high level consulting work for established entrepreneurs, public figures, & CEO’s.  The offer is Elevated Brand Authority & is a 6 week consulting container.  If this is of interest I welcome you to check out the link below for more details.

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