The Unfuck Your Health Blog


Real Talk, No BS—Wellness Strategies for Women Ready to Reclaim Their Energy, Ditch Stress, and Feel Unstoppable (with a Side of ADHD-Friendly Tips).

Building a Team in Business Using Human Design

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What if we could take an xray of your business & identify gaps in energy, potential conflict, & strengths of your team so that you can skyrocket profit potential AND create a team that is working together for a common vision?

I have the tools to do exactly that.

When a small business is comprised of a functional Unified Group or groups, it’s designed for success. In order to accomplish this success, a business must sustain and manage these primary areas: resources and vision, employee reliability and commitment, an effective sales strategy, accountability, customer perception and service, and a productive relationship with outside service providers. 

Some of the employees of the business will be involved in sustainment, and some in management. Some will be working in-house, and some engaged more with the public. Some will focus on ideas, and some will provide the manpower. In order to create true success, however, all of these areas must be filled by people who are truly suited for, and satisfied by, their role.  To do this we must, both ourselves and our team members, leverage our strengths while also understanding how each unique person processes information & interacts with others.

Our greatest talents- the ways in which we most naturally think, feel, and behave- represent our innate power and potential. When we tap into this source of wisdom and power, we are more efficient, we act with more confidence, direction, and hope and we are more productive, which means the business produces better results!

There are 12 Business Skills that make up a truly functional business. Some of us have many of these skills, some maybe only one, and others may have none. But each skill is equally important in the overall dynamic of the group whole. Missing any of them within the business creates gaps that will stop a business dead in its tracks. These business skills are:

  1. Reliability
  2. Culture
  3. Coordination
  4. Commitment
  5. Capacity
  6. Vision
  7. Implementation
  8. Public Relations
  9. Planning
  10. Administration
  11. Accounting
  12. Oversight

So what does this look like in terms of business? 

​​Step 1: What I first look at is the team lead's (or ceo in a small business) penta graph to find THEIR strengths & their gaps. 

Step 2: I then look at the current team to see their strengths, gaps, potential for any conflict,

& more. This can help with understanding each member better, building the ideal team, & hiring decisions (while asking for birth information may not be appropriate you can very easily move people around in a current business to leverage strengths so that people are able to do what fits them best).

Step 3: Address the challenges holistically, get to the root, and craft a clear action-plan to move forward in harmony.

This is something that is available in my high level consulting with teams, organizations, & businesses.

I am also creating a never before seen mastermind utilizing BG5, Human Design, & Positive Psychology with private access, as well as group, in Slack.  This will also include assistance with your team members & creating greater harmony within a small business!  This is literally available nowhere else & is being created behind the scenes now!  The plan is to start in the fall, so make sure to turn on notifications, join the email list, & stay tuned!

If you are ready to take action NOW & are a Generator or Manifesting Generator I have The Sacral Yes, a 6 week high intensive energy AND strategy program for sacral beings ready to leverage their design to generate unstoppable success in their business! We have everyone from EVERY niche already inside!  This isn’t just a great opportunity to learn & gain the support & tools to scale your business but also to NETWORK.  I have never before seen such a diverse group come together of 20, and counting, power houses ready to take it to the next level in life & business! 

Now is the time to act: We begin Monday!

Further, if you would like a private consulting session I offer the following:

* BG5™ Success Code: Alpha One Analysis – for managers, executives and business owners

Alpha One Analysis is a personal business analysis focusing on how to apply your leadership qualities within a business, detailing where and how to concentrate your talent, your time and your energy. Alpha One Analysis will show you what your most productive and satisfying role is, the areas where you need to delegate to others, and how to create an environment of harmony for all involved.

* BG5™ Success Code: Small Business Analysis – for business groups of 3 to 5

Small Business Analysis is a powerfully accurate and efficient analysis of the characteristics, dynamics, potentials and problems of any working group, offering practical and effective recommendations to transform your bottom line.

* BG5™ Success Code: Alpha One Consultation & Engineering (a combination of items 1 and 2)

Designed for business groups and their Owners, Directors and Managers, Alpha One Consultation & Engineering offers a business leader specific insight into, and training in, how to work effectively and profitably with their group. This form of Analysis includes re-engineering, recruitment and expansion.


DM or email [email protected] for more information.

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