Magnetizing Dream Clients by (Human) Design

Jun 02, 2021

Sometimes triggers aren’t what you have been led to believe…..


We hear so much about triggers…

That if someone triggers us they are shining a light on to something unhealed within us…


And that isn’t incorrect…




In my 1:1 coaching I work with highly successful, self aware, QUEENS… Building empires…


Creating a legacy…


And they are self aware enough to be able to notice when something is a trigger & when something is energy…. Just “off”.


And I don’t mean “low vibe”.


The reality is this:


Some designs COMPLIMENT eachother & some designs actually COMPROMISE eachothers strengths.


So you may not actually be triggered….


Your energy just may not jive with someone elses energy.


Partnership dynamics are critical for my high level clients for 2 reasons:


  1. For building a team!  Contrary to what the online space has made popular:  Hiring is NOT as simple as finding a sacral being & saddling them with all the crap you don’t want to do in your business.

Partnership dynamics play a large role in building a team, collaborations, etc.


  1. My clients charge premium pricing for their soul work & we use this information to help set their premium services up for success… So that they are creating the sacred containers for those that their medicine is meant for… So the energy can flow in a beautiful upswing of creative power for both beings involved….

Where they are BOTH activated by the coaching relationship.


If your 1:1 coaching has been draining…


If you feel more exhausted AFTER working with someone… Or even based on your whole schedule…

It may have nothing to do with length of calls, how you hold the call, how busy you are…. Nothing that is normally pointed to…


And the simple fact you aren’t creating the sacred containers meant for YOUR fractals….

Your soul tribe…

That you were literally designed to work with in this lifetime.


When you bring 2 people together to create a partnership dynamic  the two auras create their own energy…


Essentially 1+ 1= 3.


You can’t change the aura of the partnership dynamic…

You can’t pour more of your heart & soul into the business, coaching relationship or person & expect it to work….

The energy simply is OFF…

It doesn’t work.

Where your power lies is in your sovereignty & speaking the fullness of YOUR  truth…

Showing up in the fullness of YOUR energy & then cultivating the beautiful spaces for those meant to cocreate with you….

Setting your business up so you are creating the culture of energy that is meant to work together…

And creating your coaching containers for those you are meant to serve.


Where have you been meeting resistance in your business?


1 spot open for 1:1 coaching to begin at the end of June.



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