You Are Being Called Into More...
Jun 26, 2021
And waste energy from thinking about things that don’t matter.
Seeking identities from coaches, directions from mentors (Undefined G) that aren’t actually YOURS…
We feel it…
We know.
There is a new level of genius coming in…
There is a higher level of consciousness being birthed…
We are all being asked to go deeper into our innate gifts…
The grounded feminine is rising…
The dragons are raising the frequency of Earth itself….
To usher in this evolutionary leap.
Yet it is so easy to be lured in..
By the gilded cage….
We trick ourselves this way…
We throw away our uniqueness..
Our gifts….
Maybe sneaking in pieces of it in secret…
In silence….
We pretend we are something we aren’t to fit in….
The powerful dreamers
…the bringers of the dawn….
Become blinded….
And captured.
And within this it is dangerous to be without a guide….
Because your shadows….
The deepest darkest corners of your soul….
Are where the divine resides…
Where the luscious, beautiful & powerful aspects of your personhood hide.
Where your wealth garden DESIRES to be planted, tended & bloomed.
Where wealth is waiting to be planted….
Where light is waiting to be illuminated….
And gifts born.
The most forbidden aspects of self….
Those aspects given no support by your culture….
At the very depthssssss
Of the well…
Lies the visionary.
The legacy leader.
The powerful quantum disruptor.
The witch.
The priestess.
The oracle.
The truth-teller.
The far-seer.
And due to this it is dangerous to be without a mentor.
To not surround yourself with powerful women living their truth…
Because the traps are many….
Including hidden behind magnetic veils….
Waiting to clip your wings for their own gain.
Business by (Human) Design is for the visionaries here to birth the new way.
It is for those that are ready to rise in their power & own authority at levels they have not experienced before.
Truly ready to OWN their power, unlock their prosperity & usher in a new way.
Which means a way that we have not yet seen before.
Enrolment open now.
For 4 more days includes a bonus masterclass “Synergy of Magnetism: You are the Niche”.
1:1 prices are also at a PROFOUND price to open up that potentiality for those ready to go deep…. I can’t promise how long they will remain here but I was called to offer these prices to open the door to those being called.
1:1 coaching INCLUDES Business by (Human) Design in 3+ month contracts.
Womb Code is also coming soon…. A profound, Earth changing membership.
Link in bio for Business by (Human) Design.