Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix & What This Means for You

Jun 06, 2022

Things are crumbling faster than the human mind can keep up with it, and it may make you feel like you are going crazy; you aren’t!

The first thing that happens when the dark goddess comes roaring in is chaos.  The feminine isn’t only summer skies, sun, light codes, bubble baths, & romance.  The romanticized feminine in the spiritual space colours one face out of 32: Venus.  Aphrodite.  




Yet she is also Kali.  Hecate.  Lilith.  Athena. Freya. Nox.





They also bring in the deepest healing & transformation.  It is my belief Pluto is feminine & a representative of the Dark Goddess, banished just like the Dark Goddess & feminine mysteries from our history & stories.

Right now, during our greatest evolutionary leap in history, the feminine has come in to tear everything down.  The Cross of Planning, marked by institutions, concentration, logic, systems/ people of power, work, & authorities is crumbling. The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, marked by the individual, self empowerment, contemplation, abundance of spirit, mastering our unique gifts, & breaking down barriers to bond with others, is crystallizing. 

This dismantling will feel worse the more we hold on to old paradigms; the more we grip the shore unwilling to dive into the depths. I will be honest: As I evolve & mutate, my business evolves & mutates.  I have no idea where it will end up but I trust enough to lie back in the river & allow the current to take me, rather than fight & struggle to move upstream.  

We are all evolving rapidly, our carbon based bodies disintegrating to crystallize the crystalline body.  We can grip the shoreline for dear life, if we choose or we can choose to release our grip.

I share my journey publicly, without holding up veils or illusions, to be the role model (6th line) showing it is safe to powerfully lead, continue to scale a powerful soul aligned business, WHILE you are turning to goo in the cocoon.  You do not have to withdraw or hide. You can still lead yourself & others, even if everyday you wake up feeling like someone else right now.  In fact, it is required of those who are here to serve to not shrink in this time.  Yes, allow the unfolding, yet do not allow it to consume you through the not self mind.

The forces holding the frequency of Earth in this current program are breaking apart before our eyes.  Ra Uru Hu said, about the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, that you must realize the Phoenix must first wake up, everything has to burn down, then she rises.  What are you waking up to right now & what must burn down for you to rise?



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