Deconditioning Is The Real Work

Aug 15, 2022

To the high performers…

Deconditioning is the real work, the unsexy work, yet the required work for embodied lasting healing & transformation.  It is the required work for growing & sustaining a business while you are able to thrive.

Deconditioning is a 7 year process, and I can nearly guarantee that even after those 7 years you will STILL be learning more about yourself.  There is no way to bypass this or fast track this.  It is a slow burn that is well worth the effort & dedication.

What healing, transformation & embodiment IS:

  • A deep inner journey of healing, rewiring, patience, & compassion.
  • A deep inner journey of noticing the flashing red light before you DO hit a complete collapse.
  • Building a greater capacity to stay present with a wider range of sensations & emotions, rather than avoiding them or trying to get rid of them.
  • Enjoying the journey, and being present for the journey, not just focusing on the destination that your mind thinks it should have.
  • Disconnecting from the illusions that keep you trapped within the forever seeking & chasing.

While most find me at the point of burnout or collapse, you do not have to wait until collapse to begin your journey into deep healing & embodiment.  Tuning in, and hearing what your body is trying to communicate to you allows you to get a felt sense for your truth in the now.  

Subtle signs that you may be past the point of burnout:

Are you feeling exhausted or impatient…

Especially with those you love most?

Are little things that didn’t bother you now starting to bother you as your patience wears thin?

Are you always exhausted, and maybe blaming your design (I see this a lot from high performer Projectors & Reflectors)?

Are you becoming more isolated rather than part of a greater whole & connectedness with those around you, nature, & life itself?

Are you getting sick more often than normal or nagging pains that won’t seem to go away?

Are you restless at night & not sleeping well?

You can try to cover those red lights with duct tape & coffee but eventually it will catch up to you.  It is time to start listening rather than bypassing.

What if instead of chasing your next quantum leap to move away from what you are experiencing now,

You sat WITH what you are experiencing now & realized the prosperity & beauty in the moment.

What if instead of always chasing ascension & expansion you sat within the miracles happening within the mundane…

The poetry of the current moment…

Until boredom engulfed you, overcame you, & finally you released the grip of control.

What if instead of always comparing you honoured your unique life path & timing.

And what if, instead of seeking superficial teachings of Human Design & Gene Keys as the new easy button to manipulate your reality or manifest what the ego thinks it SHOULD have…

You truly went on the adventure of what it means to be passenger consciousness & allow your body to lead you…

To allow the environment to take care of you.

Where the ego mind gets involved is it stops you dead in your tracks.  Convinces you that to do THIS it means opting out of a life wilder than your dreams.  It convinces you that you then cannot be wealthy.  It convinces you of all kinds of nonsense…

To keep you where you are.

It isn’t an easy path.

Yet you are worth it.  Your health is worth it.  Your relationships are worth it.  Your heart level dreams are worth it.

Take the scenic route.  Slow down to speed up.





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