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Does the Open Head Centre "Think About Things That Don't Matter"?

#ashleybrianaeve #businessbyhumandesign #femininespirituality #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&relationships #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #humandesignchart #humandesigncoach #humandesignexpert #humandesignlifecoaching #spiritualawakening #spiritualblog Apr 28, 2022

I often see online that “the open/ undefined head centre likes to think about things that don’t matter” and “ the undefined head centre is always thinking about things that don’t matter”.  Is this, in fact, correct, AND is approaching it from this view useful for someone looking to increase profit potential, improve team dynamics, or otherwise reach more success in business?

That is exactly what I look into in this article.

Defined Head Centre

When your Head Center is defined (as in picture above), you have a fixed and reliable way of experiencing the mental pressure, which is detailed in the gates and lines you have defined there. When you learn to enjoy your defined mind as a playground of measurement and comparison, without making decisions about yourself from this place, you begin to create more mind body (mind heart) coherence & therefore create more “ease” in business. To begin this you can practice tuning into the correct timing for decision-making using your strategy and honoring your inner authority to discover the uniqueness of your authentic being. 

If your Head Center is undefined, the gates waiting to be activated are themes you are genetically programmed to experience when your Head Center is defined by transits or people in your environment. Remember, the mind is always an outer authority only - follow your Strategy and Authority to make correct decisions that lead you to your unique purpose and expression of fulfillment.


As always, remember that Human Design is a dualistic system; the "this and that" of it all means that every gate can express as its opposite as well.

The head centre is the centre of inspiration & mental pressure.  Whether defined or not, pressure is not negative; we require pressure to actually move.  In fact, Psychology shows that there is an ideal amount of pressure to reach optimal performance.  Human Design backs this up by saying that when we use strategy & authority we naturally know the RIGHT pressure to move from to live out our purpose.  Of course, in the not self, there is the potential to constantly be moving from pressure, which will cause, or be the result of, nervous system dysregulation, however this is, again, not the correct use of this centre.

Undefined or Open Head Center

If you have an Undefined Head Center, your inspiration comes from external conditioning. You have an openness and flexibility in experiencing mental pressure, with themes particular to the gate and line activations present in your design.

Further, how the not self is experienced in this centre depends on the individual mechanics of this centre.  A completely OPEN head centre may struggle to even know what is worthy of thinking about at all, therefore moving into always a repressed expression of this energy.  If you have an Open Head (with no gates defined), not knowing what to focus on, or what is really important to you is a strong theme when you are not operating correctly. It is so very important for you never to give authority to your open head - the moment that you do that, your actions are from a deeply conditioned place, and you cannot live out your unique potential.


The undefined head centre will operate based on the individual mechanics that it is operating through.  This is individual to the person & their unique activations.

The not self strategy of the undefined head centre feels responsible for getting rid of mental pressure taken in from others and therefore will try to find answers to questions that are not necessarily important.  In business this sometimes looks like the “throwing spaghetti at the wall” method of trying to scale a business, or “flashy object syndrome”, bouncing around between ideas without ever following through. In this state valuable energy, and likely time, is spent chasing threads that have no impact on the individual person and may actually cause LOSS of profit potential in business.

Speaking about business, the head centre is not called the head centre in business.  BG5 is the official governing body for Human Design in business.  In business it is referred to as the centre of “inspiration”.  Level 1 (used with clients new to this) shadow aspects can be described as:

  • Losing Focus
  • Mentally scattered

When the mind attempts to take over the role of Authority it produces a stream of meaningless thoughts and questions about things that truly do not matter.  Life can become very frustrating, one disappointment after another, when we chase thoughts, questions, and ideas without the energy to create them or even any alignment to them.  In business this can cause paths to be chased that ultimately simply lead to more confusion for yourself, your team, and create chaos in the environment.

Ra said that the Generator type is notorious for attempting to initiate and implement its thoughts.  Generators often end up spending their lives engaged in a painfully frustrating cycle of repeatedly starting and quitting things.  Unless the Sacral is engaged through response, there is no energy to follow through and there is no way for Generators to know if their idea is even correct for them to implement. 

Of course, this isn’t only a Generator issue, however this is one of the many reasons Ra referred to Generators (Which includes MGS) as the “great quitters”.  Or, add a Generator in the not self with an undefined Splenic centre & Ajna in the not self as well and they simply may not know when to let go of unhealthy directions, thoughts, people, or beliefs.   

However, again, we must realize simply because something is “common” does not make it normal.  Thinking about things that don’t matter is not normal, and often leads to not self decisions.

Further, if you are in the not self of this centre you are actually creating static energy.  On the material plane, and those in my wealth program Keys to Cash know this, we attract those that activate us.  To attract those that activate us we must be using the open/ undefined centre correctly.  


Operating Correctly Undefined or Open Head Centre


When you are operating correctly as someone with an undefined or open Head Center, you have an ability to develop wisdom about the variety of mental pressures you encounter in life. Because you tend to amplify the confusion, doubts, and pressure to know, there is an opportunity to cultivate wisdom through the exploration of ideas and inspiration coming from all directions. Being open to the wonder of the unknown and uncertainty is healthy for you.

When operating correctly (following your strategy and authority), you won’t act on mental pressure or take on the pressure of other people’s need for answers. You can simply enjoy the pressure to know more without becoming identified with it or make decisions from it. Enjoying the questions and trusting that doubts or confusion will become clear (or not) is another signpost. And using your mind as an outer authority for others to draw from, rather than as a decision making tool for yourself, can become second-nature.


Questions of the Not Self

Have you noticed yet that your mind will continually try and make your decisions? Have you noticed how your mental dialog relates to your undefined/open centers? Making decisions from the pressures of mind won't relieve the pressure for long and can often lead to frustration, bitterness, anger or disappointment. What examples of the thoughts below, which may come up on behalf of your deeply conditioned mind, do you recognize in you?

Thoughts of the not self:

I need some inspiration.

Maybe if I do this or go there, I’ll find inspiration.

I need to figure out the answer to these questions.

Where can I go to find answers; who has the answers?

I have to understand this; I need to make sense of things.

Am I supposed to be interested in that?

What am I supposed to think about?

Strengths Theory

The last thing I would like to add is that I prefer to look at Human Design from the lens of strengths theory.  To put it simply, strengths psychology is about developing what we are naturally good at, instead of focusing on our weaknesses.  When we focus on the “negatives” of our design we begin looking at ways to “fix” ourselves or work on our weaknesses.  Human Design is about recognizing where your strengths are and how to leverage those strengths.  THIS is why my clients, their teams, and businesses get the results they do when I work with them.  We focus on leveraging strengths.

Strengths Psychology is based on the simple notion that a person’s talents do more than making a person unique. Our greatest talents- the ways in which we most naturally think, feel, and behave- represent our innate power and potential. When we tap into this source of wisdom and power, we are more efficient, we act with more confidence, direction, and hope and we are more productive.

So, you may be thinking:  What is the strength of the head centre?  The strength is the wisdom you gain from having it undefined or open.  That strength is then what you use to attract others.  Only by focusing on this are you able to actually move from the not self & utilize this centre to its full potential.

For more on this please check out episode 92 of the HD CEO Psyche Podcast, available now on all platforms, where I go into more detail around this topic!

If this was helpful, or the podcast episode was helpful, in helping you understand the head centre please share with someone!



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