Fear of Your Power as a Mystic
Jun 04, 2021
You are not afraid of failure…
You are afraid of YOUR POWER….
And this comes from not knowing thyself…
Not being in touch with WHO you actually are…
Or even what you are…
Where you lineage is from.
And this all stems from the repression of the feminine…
The closing of the heart….
And the LEADING of the mind…
The emphasis placed on intellect… Science… KNOWLEDGE….
And this obsession programs humans…
- On a low frequency level
- To all think the same….
You are a mystery…
life is a mystery…
And in the shadow we try to solve the mystery though intellect…. Words… Thinking… Seeking.
And instead of using language it uses us….
Instead of being guided by the language of light we are trapped with language gripping us & taking control of our reality.
You have been programmed…
Long before this life….
But this is no longer an excuse.
It is no longer a crutch….
It becomes a bunch of bullshit to numb out the pain of living anything but our purest, rawest, more blissed out existence.
Or descension into the heart…
Can only happen when the heart leads & mind follows….
The FEMININE leads & masculine follows.
We live from Intuition, receiving & listening & the masculine only takes action in service of HER.
This is where the world gradually becomes alive again.
When you live from this place you no longer see a tree and access the false matrix language associated with her…
You truly SEE her….
You listen to her…
Receive her wisdom….
You take the tree into your being & are penetrated by her wisdom.
You breathe in her mystery….
And maybe…
Just maybe…
SHE is one of your guides on your journey…
A guide you couldn’t see by using intellect & language….
But instead use language…
However messy within the feminine…
To express the connection…
Not language to describe & categorize…
Blocking the mystery.
Is about letting go of YOUR agenda & everything you know to be true…
And allowing the evolution…
The awakening…
To reach your throat…
The vessel for manifestation…
And giving yourself over to the whole.
Where you become pure consciousness operating through a specific genetic matrix….
How beautiful…
How simple…
To use language instead of being used by language….
How beautiful…
How simple….
To see everything as divine from the rock to the eagle….
To be tapped into the Divine Cosmology hidden behind the veil.
I can’t go back…
I won’t go back….
And neither will you when you touch this place & see the ripples it causes in the hologram.
1 spot open for 1:1 coaching…
This is NOT a to X in Y days…
It is to tap into your highest, rawest, more PURE purpose….
To spiral your essence higher & higher into divine connection….
And birth your purpose into the world….
Be wildly compensated…
But that is not the focus…
That is the result of operating purely from heart.
That is the result from being so divinely led you are in tune with the whole cosmos.
This is an initiation.
This is self transcendence.
This is nothing like you have ever experienced before.
Link to website in bio to apply.
Also currently birthing a…
More details to come.