The BRAND (by design) Blog


Tools, Strategies, and Stories to Help High Performers Build Brands that Feel as good as they look

Fear of Failure Through Gene Keys

#abundanceandhumandesign #ashleybrianaeve #awarenesshumandesign #badassbusinessbabe #businessbyhumandesign #genekeys #genekeys&business #genekeysblog #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesign&marketing #humandesign&wealth #humandesignblog #keystocash May 16, 2022

One of the greatest fears that haunts humanity is the 32nd shadow; the fear of failure.

Our capacity to truly settle into our inner authority,

To trust in our particular brand of crazy..

To allow our heart to lead & mind to follow….

Requires you to transmute the shadow we are all embedded within, Hexagram 32, the fear of failure. 

Failure is only an outcome when you cut yourself off from the whole.

When you raise your frequency beyond the concepts of success or failure you remember that all life moves in a great cosmos pattern,

And when you let go of the veils & illusions you naturally find support within the cosmic pattern.

When you surrender and boldly walk up to your edges, the place beyond wordless, the void where the mind can no longer comprehend,

You are supported by the environment.

Money is the best lesson we have in letting go of fear, and Richard Rudd has said it has become one of our great spiritual teachers of our time.

It is a symbol of our ability to surrender to higher forms of consciousness. 

Your very wildness is your strength.

And as you surrender deeper & deeper into self trust, and move from the heart, 

The Earth will teach you how to move in harmony with its natural rhythms & cycles…

Money being one.

The main theme of this Gua is best stated by Confucius:

Sun & moon rely on the Tao of Heaven;

Thus can their shining be long lasting.

The four seasons change and transform;

Thus can their production of beings long endure.

The holy sage remains long lasting in his way of life;

Then all things under Heaven are transformed to completion.

Contemplate the Tao of Long Lasting;

To see the nature of Heaven and Earth and of all beings.

Surrender is being ready to fly while being firmly planted on Earth, rooted deeply into your wholeness…

Like the mighty oak…

As it grows higher to the Heavens,

It grows deeper into the shadows.

This Gua is represented by the Vulture, one of my Guides.  As one landed in front of me today, watching rather than flying away, it brought me to contemplating the fear of failure & how it holds even the most powerful beings back.

Now is your time to root deeper & fly higher.

Executive Magick: Gene keys Brand Workshop is available now on replay

To dive deeper into Human Design & Money Keys to Cash is available now, as well!  Use code “SPECIAL” for 35% off K2C!



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