Gene Key 40, The Will to Surrender: The Dragon Healer
Feb 16, 2022
Gene Key 40, The Will to Surrender: The Dragon Healer
I have contemplated Gene Key 40 many times over the years. Originally very reluctantly as my sacral said yes to Gene Keys & yet my mind fought every step of the way for the first year.
Contemplating it yet again I heard it from a different place, as is always the case, and it brought me to tears.
I said to my clients this morning “Go into this journey of Human Design & Gene Keys as a beginner & remain the beginner every single day”. It is so easy to decide we have “got it” or figured it out, especially when we are new & the ego likes to grip to it.
Let me tell you something: You have NO idea. And, personally, I can’t wait to see where I am in 3 years times because I have no idea what that Ashley is capable of & experiencing through her continued unfolding.
I even look at something so simple as my own experience of the Channel of Judgment. When I was in the shadow, really anchored into the wounded feminine, I saw it as I was meant to judge everything. My expression, and views, of that channel are MUCH different, and of a much higher octave, now in my journey. One simple example with such profound evolution.
So today, as I was called to open my book, I don't think it was a coincidence that I was called to contemplate this Gene Key. It flows into everything I have been speaking about recently & everything that is to come. It was a divine nodd from the universe as I heard Richard say something along the lines of:
Morally questionable people rise to power when we value excess…. A culture of excess breeds lack. Which leads to scant resources and starvation of not just food but values…. The collective is experiencing an exhausting; including the Earth herself with fossil fuels & natural resources.
How many have felt this exhaustion down to their soul?
THIS is why I created The Golden Path, my monthly Human Design & Gene Keys membership. To 1) Begin the healing of the shadow here, the mad dash for more not ever quenching the true soul level thirst, and 2) guide people on the deepest journey they have ever been on to fill themselves up from the inside out….
To help people remember, as Gene Key 40 teaches us, that the DIVINE is seeking you even more than you seek her. Your path has been there all along, waiting for you, ready for you, you simply must slow down enough to be led by divine will.
The siddhi here shows us that to unify with divine will you only need one quality- surrender… To surrender peacefully rather than forcefully as fake surrender lands someone in a spiritual labyrinth. Many, in fact most, get stuck here. Exhausted from seeking they find a teaching that gets them off the hook…. Only to seek another… Then another. Bouncing from one to the other never feeling that thirst quenched.
Gene Key 40 teaches us that grace will make all the arrangements for what is yours in this life; You won’t have to force things, they will simply appear. And, as Ra Uru Hu would say “Either it will or it won’t” because if they don’t come your way you don’t have to force it, that may be for you in your next life. It is OK to have limitations within this one. Limitations make us human.
I feel true mind, body, soul surrender to be the most elusive concept for most people & yet Richard Rudd says: If you don’t surrender to the natural flow you will cause all kinds of problems for yourself.
We are so overstimulated that we try to force our ego will rather than ALLOW divine will…
Can you even just take a moment to FEEL & breathe in the different frequencies of these in your bones? Your soul? Your body?
This Gene Key teaches us something I have been teaching within The Golden Path: You are absolutely free to do as you wish in life and yet at the same time nothing you do is really in your hands…
So do you continue to attempt to force, resist, struggle….
Creating more suffering for yourself?
Or surrender to divine will & be eternally cared for by all that is?
I must also say, I had never picked up on Richard calling those with this key “dragon healers”, and only caught it today. I felt this in my bones.
If you would like to join us in The Golden Path I welcome you. This is the most soul nurturing journey with the most delicious community. I must say, in my years of coaching THIS space we created is very special. When I log in my soul naturally breathes a sigh of relief, my shoulders drop a bit, & I breathe deeper. It is a very special community. One in which you are invited to.
To learn more about The Golden Path click below: