Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

Gene Keys Brand Sphere in Business

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Sometimes you are ALIGNED yet not positioning yourself in a way, and marketing your offers in a way, that lands.

Now, this is VERY nuanced, yet let’s pull at this cobweb a bit together to help illuminate where your resistance may be coming from.  

1️⃣ If you first & foremost do not know who you are relevant to, you can’t market to them.

2️⃣If you then aren’t building intimacy with them & creating community, they will likely buy from someone.

But what comes before both of those?  With my clients we focus FIRST on alignment, then on positioning, THEN on intimacy.

If any of those pieces are out of order things start to fall apart.

❌If alignment isn’t there you are not grounded in YOUR unique genius & essence.

❌If positioning isn’t there you can’t be relevant to the right people.

❌If intimacy isn’t there you may turn people on yet they tell you HOW INSPIRATIONAL you are… Then go buy from someone else.

ONE of the places I look for positioning is the Brand Sphere in Gene Keys, not just the sphere but the LINES really give us insight on how to tweak positioning in a powerful way.



Line 1: Security

Your BOLDNESS & self-assuredness puts people at ease. This is someone who bolding draws their line in the sand as the expert in their niche & helps others feel secure through their own self-assuredness.

Do not be afraid to illuminate how you help solve someones pain & fears. People need to see you as the expert to help them feel secure.


Line 2: Image

Your PASSION & pure authenticity incite passion in others, and as long as you stir emotions in a positive way, you are fulfilling your goal.

People need to see the real you, hear your real voice, & feel your unbridled passion for what you do.


Line 3: Pleasure

Your WISDOM through your trial & error positions you as someone that knows where we are going. You are ahead of the curve & leveraging that positions yourself as the go to person.

The humour & perspective you have from hindsight is also a powerful way to position yourself as it also shows your audience trial & error isn't negative or failure.

How can you position yourself as the go to expert that sees where the market/ niche/ industry is going? Bring humour to this & touch others hearts, rather than trying to convince or force.


Line 4: Feelings

Your deep longing to be of SERVICE positions you as the go to expert who cares about their community. You are here to put the HEART back into business, and the more you do so the more you position yourself as the influencer/ networker.

Your power lies in your authenticity & directness. This is why the fourth Line is the most natural salesperson of all the Lines – because it engenders trust by telling you how it is, and leaving you to dream of how it could be... Not from manipulation but truly from the heart. 

Where are you doing things to GET & how can you shift to being of service?


Line 5: Solutions

Your practical SOLUTIONS position you as the go to expert! You are the leader archetype, which can sometimes in marketing come across as not considering others/ your community.

Listen to your community! What are the solutions they want? What are practical solutions to their problems & how do you solve them? If you aren't listening, you cause resistance & are NOT relevant.

Balance listening with power. Leverage simple & efficiency in your messaging as you show us you can solve our problems!


Line 6: Education

Your position as the ROLE MODEL naturally magnetizes people to you. People need to see you as the role model for what it means to live life as their own authority. Your position is not the leader, or the guru, or even as someone who has it all figured out, but as someone that is also in the trenches & who helps your community find their own answers.

In your positioning your essence is meant to be more logical & "formal" as an educator. Fluffy language or disconnect with your community creates resistance.

How are you the role model in your niche/ industry? How does this set you apart?

For more on this stay tuned for IGNITED, a 3 day high intensive marketing workshop to help you get a cash influx into the business by leveraging YOUR unfair advantage.  My goal is always to help my clients with the long term vision & build out aligned strategy from there, however sometimes a fast cash campaign is exactly what the business needs to ALLOW the ability for spaciousness to create long term strategy & planning!  

This will introduce everyone to mastering money through my Fast Cash Method… All aligned & by design, of course!

For those that SHOW UP we will go from idea to creation to selling an aligned product (by design of course) in under 1 week.  You can also use this as a way to tweak existing offers that are underperforming!

Sales page goes up September 2nd & we start September 19th!

Hope to see you there! Let’s master money & the marketing game to get you more impact & income!



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