I used to be a chronic wanderlust soul….
I left my masters to travel Australia, I traveled for work with Australia then I came home & moved away from home within a week.
I always felt restless. Almost like bugs under the skin if I was in a place too long.
It was an interesting twist of fate when Julia came into my life because I CAN’T travel. She is a high medical needs dog & even IF I found someone to watch her that I trusted & Jules was ok with I couldn’t leave her knowing how fast her condition can take a turn for the worse.
In fact, now pausing & looking back… the universe stepped in even before that when we were going to purchase a 2nd house on the Gold Coast of Australia & the borders were shut down less than a month later.
Around this time I had (Reluctantly) already been contemplating the Gene Keys & working with Richard Rudd. I say reluctantly because it was a sacral hell yes but my mind was NOT in it. My mind liked the security of ANSWERS with Human Design & to be thrown into the void DID make me uncomfortable. But it was that discomfort that I forced myself to sit in. To allow the words, the teachings, the keynotes to penetrate my cells & soul….
To SIT with it without seeking answers or direction or being told what the correct X, Y or Z was.
And I am forever grateful for that.
When I first heard about my radiance key: 52. Admittedly I didn’t agree with it. Well, I didn’t agree with much when I was STILL operating through the conditioned mind in certain areas
And you may find this as you begin to explore your Gene Keys, I know this happens with my 1:1 clients frequently. We identify SO MUCH with the conditioned mind that it takes TIME to contemplate the Gene Key & illuminate what was really us under it all.
The actually DOING the work.
And how long it takes depends on you…
It also depends on surrender & not forcing the process.
Your RADIANCE Key is all about unlocking your inner light. Your crystalline codes, your light body.
Physical evolution occurs as this light moves collectively through all human forms, driving us forward in understanding, urging us not only to survive but also to thrive as a species. However, spiritual evolution underpins physical evolution. In fact both forms of evolution are part of a single principle, with spiritual evolution as the seed and physical evolution following as the fruit.
Your spiritual evolution emerges as breakthroughs….
Some will be tiny, some will be super novas.
But each breakthrough allows your inner radiance to shine.
Your Radiance dictates your health, your vitality and something even more nebulous – your aura.
Your Radiance also acts as the hidden instrument of your intuition. It warns you of potential threats in the energetic environment around you.
As Richard Rudd says: “Like a GPS ‘satnav’ it guides you in finding the right experiences and people in life”.
Your radiance is part of your Genius Sequence- Which is also your Incarnation Cross in Human Design. This is your destiny. Your purpose. Your Golden Path. The algorithm to your souls purpose.
This is the key to being your most magnetic self.
Contemplation isn’t meant to be fast. It isn’t about skipping from one sequence to the next to simply LEARN. It is an awakening. And if you allow yourself to SIT in it, to really contemplate, to feel the loosening of the rubble & conditioning forces….
It will accelerate your spiritual awakening in ways no other tool can…
Because is doesn’t give you anything to grip to the other other tools tend to. It gives as few labels & answers as possible to force you on your own inner journey.
And this can be uncomfortable AF.
The Shadow of your Radiance is one of the most powerful internal forces that can undermine your life. In the shadow you are knocked out of the flow of life & operate in fragmented energy. This would be the “not self” in Human Design. Here you are worried, hurried and in a time-centric outlook rooted in an unconscious mistrust in the natural flow of life.
The Gift of your Radiance is where you begin to become more grounded & rooted in the moment & natural flow of life. One of the first signs that your Radiance is breaking through is that you naturally begin to slow down inside yourself and in your daily life. You become a more contemplative individual, and this does NOT mean you start thinking more. The second effect of your Radiance is to catalyse good fortune through the principle of synchronicity.
(This is also why it is so important you go slow through contemplation! So many people SKIP the Genius Sequence to skip to the Pearl Sequence missing the fact THIS is where you unlock your magnetism, higher purpose & coherence with the magnetic field!).
The Siddhi of your radiance is where your divine gifts rest. There are states of consciousness beyond what we refer to as genius. Genius is a manifestation of the activation of your Gifts (Physical manifestation), this is beyond that.
I have been contemplating how to bring Gene Keys to my community on a wider scale. It doesn’t feel good in a program with timelines as I tried that once & I noticed it simply did not give people time to RELAX into the information. It became a rush against the clock to learn more, which is the complete opposite of the point of Gene Keys.
I was thinking a 12 month minimum membership. Starting in January & running through 2022. You can stay longer but it gives us time to breatheeeee. It sit with it. To allow the information to become a part of our cells & very being.
I was thinking about doing this & adding in breath work classes & yin yoga classes monthly to really help this information become EMBODIMENT.
This has been something I have been contemplating that I invite you into.
It would be low cost. I am feeling $44-55 per month.
Let me know what you guys think….
This would be such a powerful way to unlock power, purpose & prosperity while doing it from a place of flow, fulfilment & freedom rather than creating more & more of the not self.
Ways to work with me right now:
- 1:1 Spiritual Coaching (Where we use Human Design & Gene Keys).
- I have the Parenting by Design program coming up: Details will be released (With a special discount code) to those that are in the Formidable Kids by Design workshop October 25, 26 & 28.
- PHS: Awakening the Body for Power, Purpose & Prosperity will be beginning December 1st (Stay tuned for sales page).
- And The Golden Path: Unlocking Your Highest Essence, the 12 month membership for contemplating & navigating your Gene Keys would be the other offer I am contemplating adding to begin January 2022.
If you aren’t registered for the Formidable Kids by Design workshop yet head over to the link in my bio!
I have 2 spots for 1:1 Coaching opening at the end of the month, claim your spot now!