Have you found yourself saying...

Jul 29, 2022

Have you found yourself saying: ⁣

“If it were aligned it wouldn’t be ‘hard’”?⁣

“If it were aligned it wouldn’t be work”?⁣

“If it were aligned I wouldn’t be uncomfortable or feeling fear”?⁣

Following strategy & authority, regaining your personal power in life, business, & sport is not about the absence of fear or discomfort.⁣

Embodied leadership is about reclaiming the capacity to “effort” while it feels effortless. ⁣

As Ra Uru Hu used to say: Do without doing & everything gets done.⁣

It doesn’t mean you don’t “do”, it means the “doing” is effortless. ⁣

It is about finding your edge & starting to turn towards discomfort, rather than shrinking away from it. Begin challenging yourself, rather than avoiding it. ⁣

And, within that we will always default to the level of our identity. So, what identity do you choose today? Who do you choose to be? ⁣

AND how do you show up when things get tough but your inner authority says keep going?⁣

I can nearly guarantee: You are stronger than you know & more capable than your not self mind believes you to be. ⁣

The dreams in your heart wouldn’t be there if you weren’t made for it. ⁣

So go for it.⁣

That next level. ⁣
The pivot.⁣
The dream. ⁣

Launch the business.⁣
Buy the horse 😉⁣
Start seriously training for your sport.⁣

Reclaim your capacity to do hard things & grow through the challenges. ⁣

Leave this life with as few “I wish I had….” statements as possible. ⁣


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