Healing from the Bottom Up
Jul 14, 2022An essential component of healing & embodiment is working from the bottom up, yet what we are conditioned to do is work on the mind & thoughts, expecting it to change the nervous system.
The Vagus Nerve is a bidirectional information highway in your body with 80% of the information moving from the body to mind.
If we change the body, we change the mind.
What we must look at, to truly heal for real & EMBODY our design, rather than collect more information in a disembodied head:
1️⃣ Does the brain & nervous system have what it needs to rewire? Does your BODY have what it needs to heal? Food, vitamins, water, sleep, movement, a healthy balanced gut, etc to optimize the body.
Imbalances in the gut & body itself can lead to varying degrees in anxiety, depression, fogginess, tiredness, etc.
This was a huge factor in my own healing journey. A period of stress led to my gut being out of balance, which led to anxiety & night sweats. Doctors wanted to address the anxiety & night sweats, I knew it was my gut that was out of balance & needed to be addressed first.
Also, your actual posture & physiology can have a massive impact on your ability to heal. A body vacuum sealed in tight fascia with rounded forward shoulders is a recipe for a merry-go- round of attempted healing & embodiment that never fully sinks into the body. You can have a power stance, or push your boobs out all day but your body knows the difference. Tight rounded shoulders are still tight rounded shoulders regardless if you push your boobs out.
Your body MUST have what it needs for other things to change. If your gut is out of balance causing anxiety, you will continue to struggle with the felt sense of your sacral response. You can take all the courses, hire all the mentors, yet it won’t help until the internal systems are addressed.
2️⃣ Most of what we are conditioned to do is “Simon Says”. Following what the instructor, mentor, or teacher says. Many use Human Design like this as well; “Ra said _____”, yet did he? He always said that fundamentally what we are saying with Human Design is that NOBODY is your authority, including Human Design. He always proclaimed that he never wanted people to become sheep to the system.
We see this in Yoga as well. Override your own felt sense to breathe how you are told to breathe, move how you are told to move, hold postures how you are told to hold postures. Without realizing it in many respects we are going into compliance mode & calling it spiritual awakening. This doesn’t create a stronger connection to our inner authority.
Developing a felt sense in your body allows you to reclaim: How do I know how I want to move? How do I know what feels good for me? What is my yes, what is my no… And how do I know it is my no?
This is what we are going to address in TWO trainings within The Sacral Yes. Sure, I am going to teach you, I will provide you tips, tools, tricks, & practical steps you can take. Yet, at the end of the day if you are not addressing the BODY the potential for transformation is minimized.
We begin July 25th, enrollment is open now. This is the FIRST TIME I am bringing this modality to my online business. I have used it in my personal training practice & in counseling for some time & have been testing behind the scenes to see how it weaves into the Human Design system. I can’t wait to see how this impacts your life & business!