Healing the Manifestor Attachment Trauma

Jul 15, 2022

Healing the Manifestor Attachment Trauma

After working with thousands of clients using Human Design, and everyone from families, children, youth, & adults within the mental health field as a counsellor I am really excited to finally be merging the two online.  This has been something I have been working on behind the scenes for some time to bring to life.

The major issue I have witnessed over & over again within the Human Design field is attempting to place more knowledge over the not self, self sabotage patterns, & trauma, expecting more information to shift the business or relationship with wealth.  And it may work for some time, especially for those that identify as high performers & are conditioned to push through for a certain result, however eventually it will stop working.  Because being in the not self creates resistance & resistance degenerates health it is often health issues that cause the high performer to hit a brick wall & finally have to STOP.

For the Manifestor we can easily trace where the attachment trauma begins & why.  As Ra said, as soon as the Manifestor is born the parents are aware the baby is different, with the closed repelling aura.  I work with primarily Manifestors right now healing the stored stress patterns, lack of trust in self & others, attachment trauma, & more which is impacting their embodiment & business.  While Ra’s description of the Manifestor aura may be a difficult pill to swallow, this is exactly what so many are dealing with as adults; the impact of their aura & the control it brought as children. Most Manifestors have been so deeply controlled that they now are waiting for invitations, rather than initiating, OR pretending they don’t have a strategy simply doing what they want without informing.  As Ra said, a Manifestor who pretends they do not have a strategy to inform will have a hard time, & this will only continue to confirm their not-self  views on the world, themselves, & others.

Common belief systems by those who have attachment trauma are:

  1. The world is unsafe.
  2. I cannot trust others to have my back & take care of me.
  3. It is not safe to share the real me.
  4. I am unlovable.
  5. I will fight for respect & power while not loving myself.

And this begins in childhood.  Ra said:  “They are threatening, rebellious, the Manifestor child does what it does without asking permission, it is uncontrollable, it gets punished”.  Now, the Manifestor child truly has no mechanics that says “inform”, they are not aware it is something they must do as they are not even aware of the impact of their aura.  I had an actor client once say “Ohhhhh, that is why my family gets so mad when I get on a plane for a shoot & don’t inform them in advance! I didn’t see the big deal & it always causes issues because I don’t understand why they are so impacted!”.  They truly do not realize the tremendous impact of their aura.

Early life for Manifestors can potentially create more resistance in the Manifestor child therefore throughout life they either become a wallflower, nervous to upset others & continually overriding their inner authority, or a bull in a China shop doing whatever they want & refusing to inform anyone because they are afraid they will be controlled.

Either situation for the Manifestor will create resistance in business as the aligned Manifestor isn’t truly doing whatever they want.  They are waiting for the inspiration then following strategy & authority.  A Manifestor doing whatever they want in business can leave their community feeling “left out”; the Generators won’t have anything to respond to, the Reflectors won’t have the emotional event to trigger their process, & the Projectors will not feel seen & recognized.  The Manifestor must have a deep sense of felt safety to open up, bring their audience into their world, & inform them.  This is the key for so many building the business, and life, of their dreams!

Another place of potential resistance in business is resistance towards bringing the community into the conversation, doing market research, or even creating structure out of fear of being controlled.  And this may very well feel like who you are.  While I am a Generator, I spent most of my life with a distortion of my true G centre identity (defined G), and it felt very much like who I was due to conditioning & trauma.  Our definition can ALSO be in a dysfunctional state within our energetics; it is not a free pass of being used correctly.

So, how do we begin working with the BODY to release some of this stored trauma & rewire our system?

  • Address what is happening in the body.  So many people are disembodied heads herding their body around without actually having a felt sense in any given moment.
  • Trauma informed yoga
  • Dance
  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Becoming aware of feedback from ones own body.
  • Develop a morning practice that allows you to go in before you go out.

I won’t fool you, this work is hard work.  Deconditioning & truly living your design, with the least amount of resistance, is hard work. With my clients in this work we are starting with a minimum 6 month coaching timeline where we go in before we go out.  We optimize health to allow the nervous system to rewire, we address stored trauma through somatic experiencing, & begin the deconditioning process. Only AFTER there is a solid base in this work do we add in the business side.  The truth is: I am obsessed with helping people build businesses.  What I am more obsessed with is helping people truly heal so that they can truly be the fullest expression of themselves.  Do that first & the rest falls into place.

I am incredibly excited to bring forward a grand synthesis not fully experienced before.  While this deep work won’t be for everyone, for those that it is for I am here to be their guide.

1 spot open for a Manifestor in 1:1 mentoring for August.

1 spot open for Generators, MGS, Projectors, Reflectors beginning in August.

As well, The Sacral Yes is beginning July 25th, where I will be (for the first time ever!) bringing a new somatic experiencing modality to my online business to help release stored trauma & truly get in touch with the sacral yes… And trust it deeply.



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