How Profile in Human Design Impacts Business

Sep 05, 2022

“I teach Human Design too, so I was nervous to share someone elses Human Design information!” ~ a 1 /3 profile, which interestingly enough the archetypal self-sabotage pattern is not trusting your own abilities & ability to show up as the expert NOW.

“I’m a 4/6! I teach Human Design but didn’t think twice to share with my network!” a 4 / 6 Generator after seeing my story mentioning the difference between the upper trigram conscious lines vs lower trigram conscious lines.

I love numbers.  I spent a long time thinking my logic circuitry was something that had to be fixed if I was to be “spiritual”.  I lived the beginning of my spiritual journey through the openness of my experiential channels.

Last nights post splitting the profiles up between lower trigram conscious lines & upper trigram conscious lines gave a stark difference in how the 2 groups engage on social media.  I then went through old posts & realized this theme runs through everything I have posted previously.

*Now, I will say this is obviously not the case for everyone! And some of my 2nd line clients share the natural genius they see in others over & over again!  This is a general theme I am noticing & wanted to share!*

What interests me is the patterns, which are very clear, because this can illuminate patterns of self-sabotage, resistance, & even self-censorship even in my clients own message!

When I post about lines the profiles that have a conscious upper trigram line (4-6) SHARE at a rate of 50-90% MORE than profiles that have a conscious LOWER trigram line (1-3).  Yet the reverse is true for saving.  The conscious LOWER trigram SAVES at a higher rate than their counterpart.

It is interesting to pull apart because it tends to flow with the natural theme of the lines:

4- Sharing with their network (Networker archetype)

5- Sharing practical solutions (Leader through practical solutions archetype)

6- Teaching their community something new (Teacher archetype as the role model)

When it is conscious it is something you identify with, something you naturally do without questioning.

Now, circuitry & more can go into this.  Is someone with more collective or tribal circuitry more likely to share?  Is someone with more individual more likely to not?

And, I am not interested in this for my own Instagram.  My open head centre knows this is information for myself that isn’t worthy of thinking about in terms of content or posting for my IG.

YET, it is something worthy of thinking about to serve my clients at higher levels.  How do the unconscious vs conscious patterns show up in BIGGER ways in business & with wealth?  A thread I will be pulling.

So I will dive further into this to see how it plays out in my clients businesses.  While I can certainly say lines 1-3 tend to have resistance around sharing their message:

Line 1- Waiting until “expert enough”

Line 2- Not fully seeing their natural genius as worthy of being abundantly paid for & therefore holding back

Line 3- Shame around the trial & error process, especially in a climate with illusions of perfection.

It is an interesting thread to follow for my consulting work to serve at higher levels!

I would love to hear what your experience is with your profile & patterns you notice!



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