Human Design Profile Lines Love Notes
Oct 15, 2021

Love notes for the profile lines.
While strategy & authority is what actually allows us to LIVE our profile it was wildly confirming & heart opening to learn what it meant to be a 4/6 in the early days of my own experiment.
As someone that always felt I should be more social & extroverted I originally was shocked to see I was the networker.
As I mastered my craft within #humandesign & went deeper into my studies I realized it actually has nothing to do with being social. The 4th line is actually quite impersonal, even if their aura feels like an immediate BFF (And it does- even being a 4th line myself & knowing this I immediately feel like every 4th line is my BFF! It’s simply the energy!).
Knowing THIS is also powerful for how we interact & what we expect of others as well.
I work with clients to understand their partners better & their kids.
Partners are able to build such deep understanding for their partner when they understand their energy. I work with multiple couples that are a Generator/ Projector match & I am in one such relationship myself. It immediately diffused so much frustration on my part & bitterness on Scott’s when we BOTH understood why tension built when I didn’t want unsolicited advice or help (If you have been around awhile you know the blender story

And with kids, for example allowing your Manifestor 5th line to go out & blaze their own trail without asking for permission (Yes, kids obviously need boundaries AND raising a Manifestor child in a yes/ no, asking instead of informing environment, turns them into a conditioned Generator).
Or a Projector child that so deeply wants to be seen & recognized for their innate gifts but get forced into another field of study.
Now, you may be thinking “Ashley doesn’t get it, she hasn’t raised kids”. And you are correct, I don’t have my own kids. I was always passionate about helping kids, not raising them, which is why I got into Psychology in the first place.
My undergrad & masters was a speciality in Child Psychology with a particular interest in risk vs resilience. The majority of my career was also focused on children & youth with a/ multiple behavioural diagnosis, before moving into neuroplasticity & equine therapy programs with Canadian Mental Health Association (Yes, I have done it all!).
What I know now, and what I have helped clients shift with their kids, would have been even more impactful during my career as a counsellor.
Human Design, while popular for business, is a spiritual awakening tool that holds power in all facets of life.
It isn’t just about embodying your design in business. It is a holistic approach to truly LIVING your design in all areas of life.
Satisfaction/ peace/ success/ surprise in business means nothing if you are chronically frustrated/ angry/ disappointed or bitter in your personal life, your relationship is in shambles, you aren’t releasing all the energy from your channels from the root to the splenic centre, if you are not actually FULFILLED.
It is one of the reasons why there is such a high burnout rate in this industry. A focus on calibrating, income goals (still make bank, Queen! It isn’t this or that but it isn’t alllll that), pushing, driving, more more more while other areas become depleted & a false illusion of “fulfilment” in business that is really just a never ending moving target of more, not enoughism & endless seeking.
Human Design shifted everything for me in ALL areas of life…
And in the last couple years mentoring people within business & wealth with Human Design my own research showed a simple truth:
So many could benefit from a holistic approach instead of worrying about “wealth codes” or calibrating.
Is it as fancy & eye catching?
Probably not.
But it is what creates the lasting change that will truly allow the fullest expression of your golden path, opening of your heart & embodiment of your purpose.
It brings us back to something so powerful:
Magic in the mundane.
New ways to work with me including relationships & with your kiddos now available! Website will go live with a breakdown of details tomorrow!