Owning Our Emotions: Undefined & Defined Solar Plexus
Oct 26, 2020
Own your emotions; both undefined & defined emotional centres (solar plexus).
Taking radical responsibility for your emotions and your responses takes you out of being at effect to everyone around you, especially undefined centres, and the feeling of helplessness to being the “victim” to someone elses emotional wave.
When I first learned Human Design it was tempting to look at my hubby and say “Well, I am in a pissy mood because you are and now I am feeling emotions that aren’t mine”.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. On so many levels.
Undefined emotional centres it is time we own our emotions, instead of playing hot potato with them and passing them off on the next defined emotional centre. Even if you have an undefined centre the emotional wave you feel is YOURS, not the defined centres wave.
It is also time for the defined emotional centre to take responsibility and realize that your emotional wave is not something you are the VICTIM of.
For example: A tribal emotional wave is a SLOWWWWW burn. A slow build up of emotion over time. The ticking time bomb, if you will. Taking responsibility for your emotions, and starting to notice the thoughts that are ticking up that wave, can bring you the awareness on how to properly feel & embody your emotions then allow them to be expressed in healthy ways, instead of a meltdown or outburst. For instance, a gradual build up of emotional tension, mixed with a desire for intimacy, can be released by a hug from your partner after a hard day, rather than bottling it up and exploding over something silly. Tribal is always touch, not speaking.
To extend on that, maybe growing up you weren’t allowed to express emotions and you learned to bottle them up, which only amplified your tribal wave. Healing this dysfunction around emotions can help you better live out your emotional wave now.
There is a freedom that comes from realizing our emotions are our friends. There is a freedom that comes with taking responsibility over our emotions.
We are messy, complex, layered human beings. Everything is not always as it seems.
Start to notice the thoughts that trigger emotions, because emotions ALWAYS begin with a thought, we just may not be conscious of the thought that triggered the emotion.
Emotional intelligence is not bottling emotions up or pushing them down.
Emotional intelligence is not only feeling positive emotions.
When you take radical responsibility for your emotions, and realize none are bad, you will see a remarkable shift in your business, life & relationships!
Keep an eye out for the Destiny Accelerator: A Human Design Membership.
This is the place for self healers taking charge of their health, healing & destiny through the unraveling of conditioning & embodiment of their true self. Details drop tomorrow!!!
I also have space next week for 1:1 foundational calls for Human Design. If you have already had a foundational call and desire a deeper dive, that is available as well! The calls are completely custom to meet you where you are at!