Generators & MGS: Know thyself!
Oct 16, 2020
The famous quote....
Know thyself, really only applies to Generators!
Ra used to joke that a "pissed off Projector scratched it off because it is only for Generators" 

Ra referred to Generators (An MG is a Generator, NOT a hybrid) as the holy ones because they are here to surrender fully ad themselves. It is not only their process but their gift.
Only sacral beings have a process tied to looking inwards.
A Manifestor does not look inward. They are just not designed for it. They are here to look and see what impact their actions have.
A Projector will look to see and understand the other to help the evolution of Earth. Like I said in my previous post, the midwives of the Universe.
The Reflector is here to understand their environment.
None of the non sacral beings have interest in themselves, and that is perfectly NORMAL.
The most important thing to understand about the Generator consciousness is that the Generator consciousness is exclusively focused on their OWN process.
What the collective may term as "selfish".
In the moment that you don't know who you are according to what it is to be a Generator you get the depth of the not self.
And due to this process the ONLY thing that gets in the way of a Generator waking up is THEMSELVES. Their not self.
And it is important to understand something about the not self:
The not self mind operates through strategies developed through open centres, and the representative of that is the not self mind.
For example: if you have an open ego the not self mind (shadow) is always trying to convince you to prove yourself.
Generators have the gift of surrender but your mind MUST be an ally for your process to work.
Who is a pure Generator or MG?
Cosmic Love & Pixie Dust,