Human Design in You Business: Your Competitive Advantage
Nov 22, 2021
When applying Human Design to business the goal isn’t a spiritual awakening.
The women I work with have already applied Human Design in their life & have already experienced the benefits of the spiritual awakening that comes with it….
However what I bring to the table is skyrocketing sales & improving profit potential through Human Design.
The business side of Human Design that Ra created is not concerned with spiritual awakening…
It is strictly for giving people the tools to operate correctly within their business & to amplify material capacity.
Especially when you are building a team between 3- 5 individuals knowing what skills are recognized in a Penta (Group of 3-5) is critical. It is no longer your chart + that individual persons chart = a connection chart (1+1 =3 in Human Design for connection charts).
The Penta takes what it needs & leaves the rest. Your Gate 58 doesn’t mean anything in your team of 3. Your VA’s splenic authority does mean anything in your team of 4.
The energy does what the energy does & we are here to experience it…
And build the business in a way that optimizes strengths rather than tries to fix weaknesses (including your own).
One of the major misunderstanding’s in the online space is “hire a Generator to be your VA”…
I just hired a Projector full time & it was the best decision for my business.
It wasn’t because he was a Projector.
It was because he has the trait for administration. In Human Design administration is:
“The ability to put the plan into action by making sure everyone files roles & does the work necessary. It is the capacity to be organized & stay on top of things”.
My capacity & culture traits need to be guided in how to use their energy correctly, which is a Projectors magic juju.
The first thing I also wanted off my plate was filling roles, organizing & staying on top of things….
I wanted someone to tell ME where to be & when so I just had to be there….
Otherwise I am off getting distracted before putting first things first.
The first time I heard, based on my “lower penta skills”, that I need to be managed I got all fiery & a bit upset….
And yet…
The immediate shift in my business when I allowed those traits to be managed by someone else, especially a Projector that is quite literally BUILT to guide a Generators energy….
My business shifted immediately.
There is structure…
The vision is unraveling at a rapid rate…
And I see this over & over again with clients when they find someone that fill in the right “gaps”.
My biggest takeaway for you today:
Amplify your strengths & find someone that can fill your “weaknesses” or simply areas you don’t desire to give time or energy to. The earlier you are able to hire out the areas that are NOT your strengths, rather than trying to “fix” the weaknesses or pour energy into them, the faster your can scale in impact & income.
Where most people delay too long is hiring a team to support them, and yet it is likely a massive energy leak that is holding you back from the next level you desire.
To dive into this type of Business Consultation & walk away with a practical step by step plan you can apply in your business TODAY I invite you to book a 2 hour Business Consultation call. These calls look at a specific area you are desiring support within & provide you with a plan to move forward that can be implemented immediately.
These are a pre-requisite for any 1:1 work moving forward.