"I need to prove myself" The Not Self of the Undefined Ego
Mar 25, 2022“I need to prove myself”, “I’m not enough until ___/ yet” is a very common voice of the not self undefined ego,.
Now, it isn’t only the undefined ego where beliefs surrounding this can creep up; add a not self ego to a 1st line profile & you have a recipe for the mind to play games that keep you directly where you are based on conditioning around needing to prove yourself before you can step out into your TRUE soul work. Now, as Ra said “just because it is common doesn’t mean it is normal”.
“I need to prove myself” can also show up in the hamster wheel race to higher & higher income months to keep up & prove that you are worthy of a seat at the table. In this place the true soul calling & message tends to be stuffed down in service to the hamster wheel (not to be confused with the corporate rat race… Many in the coaching industry left the rat race & gained a hamster wheel).
This is a very common reason multiple 6 figure & 7 figure entrepreneurs end up connecting with me, burned out & exhausted in their business on a hamster wheel of proving themselves in one way or another.
This is also a place of conditioning that shows up when my clients are transitioning out of coaching & into arenas such as writing books, motivational speaking, art, shops, & more.
As a defined ego I am literally designed to work with people on this.
So how do we begin dismantling this belief? This was one of the conversations that came up today with my mastermind, ICONIC. What we must identify is:
➡️ What is the secondary gain of maintaining your current beliefs/ staying where you are?
🐆 What do YOU gain by maintaining the belief of “I need to prove myself” or “I am not enough until ___/ yet”?
Simply knowing that the undefined ego not self is trying to prove yourself, feeling unworthy, etc, is not enough. If this belief continues to come back you are gaining something by having it; you made an agreement about something either consciously or unconsciously.
This can compound through other centres:
❌ Pressure to prove you are enough from a not self undefined root & not self undefined ego.
❌ Holding on to things that are no longer good for you, undefined splenic centre not self, to prove you are enough/ worthy.
❌ Holding on to a direction or identity, undefined G centre not self, to prove that you are worthy/ enough.
Either way true fulfillment, happiness, & self-transcendence comes from a holistic approach to releasing that which is holding you back from your next level.
If you can identity:
1️⃣ What the secondary gain is.
2️⃣ Where you even HEARD that belief (to prove it was never your belief but one you took on) & therefore how it no longer serves.
3️⃣ What you DECIDE now.
4️⃣ The action steps to take from THIS place.
You are on the way to allowing that conditioning to dissolve & new identities to be coded in.
The version of you that exists right now, no matter how revolutionary, badass, & soul led, WILL NOT be the version of you that will take you to your next level.
YOU must go first, your reality follows as your personality creates your personal reality.
Your work, this work, matters. You being in your true calling matters & it isn’t only available to you RIGHT NOW, but is required of you.
Decide who you are & how things get to be.
P.S- When you are ready to enter the void & allow the unfolding of your next level DM me to discuss 1:1 or mastermind options.