Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

Increasing Energetic Minimums to Magnetize Money!

Apr 09, 2020

💸💸Increasing your energetic minimums for money in your business💸💸

It is damn easy to go from meh to good.

Or even good to great.

But it takes effort, DISCIPLINE and focus to go from great to extraordinary.

From the majority to the minority.

And sure, maybe great is where you want to stay. There is nothing wrong with that.

But I am leaving a legacy, and bringing amazing women along for the ride to create their own legacy.

And I feel if you are reading my heart and soul led messages you do too.

There was not one time in my life where less than extraordinary was good enough for me.

And it wasn't because I was in a competition with anyone but myself.

I have an extraordinary ability to focus, be disciplined and get shit done.

And master it.

I am a Generator after all 😉

But don't worry, sister, every design can do this! And the codes are waiting to be unveiled within your chart on how exactly YOU are meant to unlock your magical juju pixie star dust.

Tonight got me thinking.

As a lifelong athlete I thought how it is the slow turning of the dial that allowed me to become exceptional in sports I took on.

There isn't a natural talent for anything I do, and I have some absolutely extraordinary artist friends that may throat punch you if you claim they were "born with it".

Raising the bar day after day takes discipline.

It takes focus.

It takes a STRONG ASS WHY.

Which, side note is why so many people struggle to hit fitness goals. To be fit or because I am overweight aren't strong enough reasons to stay disciplined when it gets uncomfortable.

Just like a $10,000 month or million dollar business just because aren't strong enough reasons to keep you moving when fear, overwhelm and the not self world kicks in.

I have an uncanny ability to become laser focused on something and put so much passion, purpose, emotion and intent into it that it can't HELP but manifest.

But it started with creating the DISCIPLINE!

I often have new clients say "how do you do what you do?".

A lot of my clients are also athletes so I say "Just like how you created the discipline for your sport".

To which I am often met with a confused AF look as if they were just born with the ability to be exceptional and came out of the mother fucking womb just BEING how they are.

But it has BECOME so natural, from first discipline, that they can't remember a time it just wasn't so flowy and easy.

Or I hear "I don't know why I have discipline in fitness or riding but not in __ area".


You have NOT created the new identity and become disciplined until it was flow and natural.

You forgot what discipline was.

Everyone wants the body and talent without the workout.

Everyone wants the podium and the trophies without the work.

Everyone wants the million dollar business without the work.

To be exceptional you have to create the discipline. You have to lock in on your goal.

And you MUST rewrite your identity.

Let me say this again...

You MUST rewrite your identity.

And then become disciplined until it is absolute flow and ease.

And that is how you start to change your energetic minimums.

Where it literally just becomes "Well OF COURSE I magnetize this kind of wealth... I cannot imagine less! I am just this in flow with Quantum Intelligence I can't believe how fast and easy it flows!".

And your subconscious mind must be in alignment. Literally creating brain, body (heart) coherence.

Are you ready to claim what is yours?

Unlimited abundance is waiting.

It is already all around you simply waiting for you to become aware of it.

What are you claiming today?

TRANSCEND: The Mastermind kicks off this week! Price goes up tomorrow!

If you are ready to change your life, master your mindset, create content that your dream clients are chomping at the bit to absorb (And pay highly for!) this is the place!


#humandesign #manifestation #bossbabe 

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