Is Energy or Strategy More Important in Business?

Jan 09, 2023

Ready for some tough truth?

Your energy or alignment ALONE will not scale your business.  Truthfully, neither will strategy & structure.

Mindset & alignment must come first HOWEVER it is not enough if you desire to be in it for the long term.

This is where a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs get stuck, especially if they are attempting to model someone else's business model without the (shocker) strategy & structure, as well as TEAM, behind the scenes that ALLOW that person to only be in their flow.

This was something I realized early on.  I started in the strategy only world, swung over to the “fuck the niche”, energy only, just let the message be the message world…

And I started to notice something:

➡️ There was, in fact, strategy & structure that allowed the business to scale to the size it was.  ➡️ The “fuck the niche” WAS A NICHE because the person allowed who they be to naturally create polarization & speak to a specific person.

➡️ There WAS a plan that allowed the business to scale to the size it was.  

➡️ There was a TEAM behind the scenes that allowed the coach to “stay in the energy of” or only be in feminine flow.

The reality is:

If you are a team of 1, or even 2, YOU must be willing to hold the energetic capacity for BOTH the feminine creativity & flow as WELL AS the “masculine” structures, systems, & numbers.

Or not… But then you have a hobby not a business.

If you attempt to build your business by constantly being IN it all the time (energy alone) you will burn out eventually.  I have had multiple 6 figure per month leaders come to me burned out & needing an off ramp that allowed them to scale without being in the business as much…

So money won’t fix this issue.

Something I talk to my mastermind & 1:1 clients about frequently is this:

You wear many hats in the beginning, especially as a team of one.  The CEO version of you is thinking much differently than the entrepreneur version of you.  The CEO version of you is even thinking differently than the business owner version of you.  

We must begin to shift our thinking to create SCALABLE & SUSTAINABLE BUSINESSES, otherwise what is the point? You will burn out & fade away faster than Hanson (am I aging myself with that cultural reference?!).

So, my tip:

❤️‍🔥Mindset & energy FIRST.  No strategy or structure matters if you are a squirrel on acid being distracted by everything around you, not believing that you can actually BE that person now.

❤️‍🔥Strategy & structure.  But this can’t come first.  

One without the other will collapse in due time.

Decide you are in it for the long haul & COMMIT to that!






P.S- If you are ready to step off the hamster wheel & build a business that is UNSTOPPABLE the only ways to work with me right now are 1:1 & my mastermind.  2023 is the DEEP work with the right people!  If that’s you, I welcome you into one of these rooms.

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