Lilith After Dark Astrology Blog

Leadership In Difficult Times

human design leadership Jan 29, 2022

The not self chatter in your mind will continue to control & dictate your life, with the illusion of control, with the ILLUSION of following strategy & authority, as long as you are afraid to challenge it & risk your current reality for something more powerful, beautiful, & in alignment with your core truth.


Your not self will continue to DEFINE you as you allow it to stop your voice & allow what is unconscious to drive you, calling it fate (As Carl Jung would say).  You begin to define yourself through the not self, “That’s just how I am”/ “That’s just how it is”, you begin to create beliefs & habits based on the not self, you begin to create behaviours & rituals based on the not self.  It defines your entire life if you do not consciously choose who you are.


The not  self, and the past, isn’t something to fear or feel guilt/ shame over.  It is wisdom so that you can make the unconscious conscious & regain control of the steering wheel of your life.  So you can BE the kind of leader you are waiting others to be.  So you can SPEAK about what you wish others would speak on.


And, I do not desire to get this confused.  Conscious decision on how to use your energy, what to speak about, and nuances that you are choosing to acknowledge is very different than not speaking up out of fear of rocking the boat, getting people upset, losing sales, etc.  One is a sovereign decision, the other allowing fear & the not self mind to drive you.


Something I work on with my 1:1 clients is the willingness to take risk & the willingness to work on this muscle, as it is NOT something that comes natural to anyone, especially when growing a personal brand in the online space.  It is a skill that is developed.  With this in mind everyones nervous system & true core values will be different therefore depth & height of risk will be very different, however building this muscle & peeling back the layers of the not self will help you rediscover the level of risk your TRUE self is comfortable with.


Leadership is taking risks.  Leadership is risking comfort.  Leadership is willingness to dive deep into the wells of your truth to find what your level of comfort, and level of authority, you desire to stand in.  Thought leaders LEAD & go first into the difficult conversations.


I am Canadian, a country where they are beginning to deny FOOD to people that have exercised their freedom to say no to the jab.  They are also imposing taxes on those that have chosen not to get the jab.  If you are not able to see the slippery slope we have stepped on, I don’t know what to say.  This matters for the WHOLE world no matter your views on the jab itself       as one country goes first, it gives the green light for others. One group of people live in fear of standing up, it is a green light that others will as well.  This moment in history matters.


I am within the nuances.  You will find me there.  I am not anti or pro get it or not, and feeding into the division doesn’t help anyone.  Guilt, shame, finger pointing, blaming, does not help ANYONE. I am PRO choice, PRO freedom, and PRO people being able to choose what they do with their bodies.  And yes, it is nuanced however, the answer is not removing rights & denying food until people have no choice but to bend to government.  It is a scary thought that we are entering the phase of denying food.


I feel it is very timely that I recently watched The Handsmaid Tale.  A dystopian society that started it’s restrictions, and justified it, to improve the birth rate.  I saw an interview with Yvonne Strahovski where she said she was very uncomfortable with a scene where Canadians were cheering on her character Serena & her husband, Fred.  Cheering on the taking away of women’s rights in the name of increasing the birth rate.  This show shows how easy it is to start justifying the next steps of horrific abuse & control when the initial “reason” was “for the good of everyone & the world”.


Your voice matters.


Note: Be respectful as you engage & post.  Shame, guilt, name calling, projecting triggered emotions on others is not tolerated here.  This vs that, us vs them, is NOT the same as open discourse.  We are all grown, intelligent, adults.  Please treat each other as such.  Not everything is for everyone & you can move along without having to make other people feel horrible prior to.  Thank you!

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