Leveraging Your Brand Gene Keys in Business
Oct 10, 2022
The pathway to the success, prosperity, IMPACT, & flow that you see & know is meant for you in your heart is not just in knowing your brand, or any other aspect of Human Design or Gene Keys in fact…
It is in embodiment AND (the piece that is often missed) understanding how to take practical CEO moves from that place. Not side hustle moves. Not struggling entrepreneur moves. No business moves.
A lot of people, especially in the spiritual space, are in the energy OF their next level self, holding the vision, & can list out endless details about their Astrology, Human Design, & Gene Keys yet run into a massive problem in building & scaling their business:
➡️ It simply ISN’T scalable or sustainable. ⬅️
The business “model” is basically to run courses monthly with no long term vision or plan, effectively building yourself a bigger & bigger hamster wheel the more money you bring in.
A hamster wheel you simply CANNOT get off because there is nothing in place to allow you to do less while making more. If you STOP the wheels come off & you can’t keep up with bills.
Entrepreneurs find me anywhere from consistent 10k months all the way up to consistent multiple six figure months on the hamster wheel holding a match over their business ready to burn it all down because they simply can no longer keep up with the energy output required to go month to month any longer.
And maybe you can relate.
So the “fuck the strategy”, “Screw the niche”, only energy mentality is great…….. Untilllll it isn’t. Until you either burn out, desire to get your life back rather than launch 3-5 new courses a month to keep up, or you scorch Earth your warm market with no new leads coming in.
Truth be told, and something I told my community in IGNITED my cash campaign course, I DO NOT look to this industry for how to lead myself nor others. I do NOT look to this industry to set the standard.
Because, honestly, it simply does not set the standard.
If we, heart led entrepreneurs, desire to be at the tables, the same tables, as those burning this world to the ground, to have a voice in the movements we care about, to care for our family without worrying about cost, & to live the DEPTH, width, & height of our life we MUST heal our relationship with money & lead as CEO’s.
We must think differently than even this industry.
THIS is the legacy we are building & creating within ICONIC, my 6 months mastermind for those ready to think different, dream big, & blaze a trail so bright the entire world feels the rapture created by your movement.
Below I have listed the Brand Sphere lines. This is the easy part. The part I ask you to rise into, within ICONIC, is the brand strategy that follows this.
2 spaces left for the VIP upgrade for ICONIC. The link is in my bio. All you have to do is sign up for VIP & you will receive a bonus 2 weeks (the bonu VIP begins Oct 17th) & a bonus 1:1 call.
ICONIC itself kicks off November 1st.
If you are in you are in.
Feel the tingles, the pull, the butterflies, for the movement you are here to create. Not just for humanity, but your community, your family, & yourself.
Now is the time.
P.S- I am also beginning my money membership again in November. Details to come. Those is ICONIC will receive access at no cost.