The Radical Happiness Movement


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The Solar Plexus: A Field Guide to Living with Feeling

#emotionalauthority #humandesign #humandesigncoach #humandesignexpert #humandesignqueen #thesolarplexus emotional authority human design human design coach the human design queen the solar plexus Dec 13, 2020
Exponential growth through the Solar Plexus….
A field guide to living with feeling!
As an open solar plexus (There is a difference between open & undefined) and as 1 of only 2 centres that are undefined in my chart the solar plexus has been a place of a lot of lessons, growth & wisdom… As it should be!
Our undefined/ open centres are where we go to school in life. They are where we gain wisdom and through that wisdom guide others.
After an emotional 24 hours with my puppy in emerg and dealing with people coming at me from multiple directions, and multiple places, trying to tell ME what was best, I woke up this morning really sitting back & reflecting on the balance I have found in working with this centre…
I grew up highly attuned to others emotions with SHIT boundaries. I took on everyone elses energy and made it my own. I have fluctuated between that and guards up, quite to bite. If I had been a dog I would have quite the bite history!
Before finding Human Design, in my business, I deliberately went out of my way to try and not trigger other peoples emotions (unhealthy state of the open centre) and even in my relationship I would see the unhealthy state when my husband would come home from a bad day at work and I would absorb his emotions, become pissy and make it BOTH of our problem.
For so long in my life I gave authority to emotions that did not belong to me. It brought chaos into my personal life and a muddy message in my business.
I no longer give authority to what I am not, however a lot of people do unknowingly.
And I see this over and over again. The emotional centre causing issues in relationships & businesses…
And the reality is if you are running a successful business with staff how you manage this centre bleeds over into ALL relationships, not just with your partner.
The Defined Solar Plexus in a healthy state:
You are in touch with how you feel, never acting from impulsivity or spontaneity. You take your time with decisions, sleep on them, wait (without getting up in your head centre). You do not try to give logic or reason to your wave, simply riding it out for a feeling/ sense of clarity. You understand how your emotions affect others and do not pressure them by being pushy.
The Defined Solar Plexus unhealthy State:
You are impulsive, often regretting decisions. Jumping in and out of experiences & decisions based on the high or low end of you emotional wave, sending complete chaos out into your environment. You put others under pressure to make immediate emotional decisions with you. When you are upset you blow up rather than wait to calm down. You often feel regret for what you said or did, you also often question your business decisions.
The Undefined Solar Plexus in a healthy state:
Emotionally quiet and empathetic, moving in and out of others emotional waves without identifying with them. You can discern what is emotionally healthy for you and what is not. You know when it is appropriate to confront or walk away and are comfortable speaking your whole truth from a place of strength, not reactivity. You are here to be objective observers of the emotional climate of your environment.
The Undefined Solar Plexus in an unhealthy state:
You bounce up and down on the emotional wave of others, identifying WITH their emotions & making them your own. You feel like your emotions are out of control or that something is wrong with you. You repeatedly make spontaneous EMOTIONAL decisions. You avoid confrontation out of fear of triggering someone elses emotional wave so you tend to be the person that doesn’t “rock the boat” or is the “good girl”/ always nice. You may even lead a secret life to protect yourself from backlash.
Now, one thing that is very important to say because it is SO unhealthy for people to do this:
If you are an undefined solar plexus you have to take responsibility for IDENTIFYING with someone’s emotional wave. That is on you. Don’t play the victim to the emotional environment. Also, defined solar plexus beings YOU have to take responsibility for the fact if YOU are operating in chaos (not self) you create chaos in your environment.
Nothing irritates me more than the victim stance some information takes for the undefined emotional centres. It is NOT healthy nor productive to blame the emotional beings for YOU identifying with their emotions. Now, you can speak to someone about how their chaos is negatively impacting you, from a place of strength….
And if that person refuses to change or doesn’t give a shit……
I think that also gives you your answer in regards to if they are healthy for you or not (Undefined splenic centre not self, holding on to things & people that are unhealthy…..).
I will include that, as an open solar plexus, I used to be ADDICTED to making other peoples emotional waves my problem. I was ADDICTED to the chaos of an unhealthy emotional system.
Growing up I had volatile relationship after volatile relationship.
But that was a pattern for ME to break. It is not anyones job to fix anyone, especially if they don’t want to be fixed.
While emotional beings definitely should take responsibility for their unhealthy state focus on YOU undefined centres. It isn’t everyone elses fault.
Heal. Release limiting beliefs that attach you to old stories. Recognize & heal addictions to certain emotions (Yes, you can become addicted to certain emotions due to the chemical reaction they produce).
Do the inner work.
Because while YOU are in an unhealthy state it is unlikely to magnetize a healthy defined solar plexus. And this goes for business & your clients as well!
You will NOT magnetize through your openness if you are operating through the not self! Your business will grow exponentially when you learn how to use this centre as a place of wisdom, of strength & a place to help the emotional beings gain clarity.
I can’t wait to kick off the Quantum Human Design Coaching Academy! To bring you Human Design as it was intended with a dash of Psychology & at the end of the 9 months learning how to integrate Astrology for star seed lineage, past life & more…
And a sprinkle of Gene Keys.
The Psychology is the biggest piece. You can tell someone the healthy & unhealthy state of the undefined Solar Plexus but how do you move them through it? More information isn’t power, and more often than not what I am seeing (Because these clients come to me after) is people MORE anchored in their not self after learning Human Design due to the approach coaches are taking, and lack of training on the mindset piece.
We have an amazing bonus workshop happening in Dec before kicking off in January!
If you are ready to not only create exponential growth in your business, but also be able to effectively create exponential growth in your clients..
This is the place!
P.s- This topic is ALSO what I covered, IN DEPTH, in The Quantum Alchemist Podcast!! Check out the link below!

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