Making Cash Using Human Design & Your Bodygraph

Nov 16, 2022

Energy wants to flow in your bodygraph (including wealth!), it NEEDS to flow in your bodygraph.

The trick is: 

You CANNOT receive what you are meant to receive if you are trying to figure it out.  You simply can’t.  The overthinking, overdoing, forcing, & contriving is cock blocking you from exactly what is trying to come through…

Blocking you from exactly what is available NOW.

If you are fixated on what your mind thinks you have to do & how life HAS to look for you to be successful you WILL miss the invitation, thing to respond to, emotional event (Reflector), inspiration that is going to trigger a path truly wilder than your dreams…

Because the mind never knows the true path & plan…. How can it (as Richard Rudd says!).

Today on a client call I said: GO WHERE LIFE WANTS TO FLOW, not where you are trying to force it to be.

THIS is it. 

Simplicity wins everytime.

You KNOW every single time, if you paused long enough to listen to your inner authority & where soul is guiding you….

Then actually TRUSTED that.

And as a recovering overthinker myself (#undefinedheadcentreproblems🙋‍♀️) I also know what happens when you tune out the noise & take action on what is true for you right now.

Amplifying strengths (definition) & wisdom (openness) wins every time.

Asking powerful questions so that you are constantly thinking greater than your environment, and therefore following strategy & authority from that NEXT LEVEL SELF already doing the damn thing….

Wins everytime (because why would you respond the same & expect different results!?).

We love to complicate things.  

My advice as you enter this week is to choose that:  YOU are the grounding point for miracles.  YOU are the miracle, the answer, to someones prayers.  If you knew the next step to take from THIS place, what would it be?

Wednesday the 23rd from noon- 2 est I will be hosting a free training called Leverage Your Human Design To Skyrocket Sales!  I invite you to join us.  At the end I will invite you into the revolutionary money membership that will (and does) CHANGE. THE. WORLD.

Quantum Wealth Embodiment evolved into the Keys to Cash the Money Membership.  If you got your hands on my self paced course Keys to Cash you KNOW the epic shit that will be going down when we go deep into making money YOUR way, by design, from soul, for 5 months together.

If you joined me in Quantum Wealth Embodiment you know the next level money shifts that happen in this space!

It is not like anything done or seen before & truly has to be experienced to understand!

Enrolment for the free workshop opens November 16th so stay tuned! Who is planning to join us for the free Leverage Your Human Design to Skyrocket Sales?! 🥳💰



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