Manifesting Generators: The Most Easily Seduced to Manifest
Jan 06, 2021
MG’s: The most easily seduced to manifest….
And the most misunderstood design online.
Ra said: Particularly in America there is a lot of investigation that’s been done and there’s been a lot of discussion about the nature of Generators. I have never altered the knowledge that was given to me in any way. I was told there are only 4 kinds of beings and there are only 4 kinds of beings…. There is also a great deal of confusion about Manifesting Generators because very few people understand the mechanics.
On top of the incorrect information being provided online the reality is that when you are a Manifesting Generator your greatest handicap, as Ra called it, is your manifesting capacity because it’s been the thing that’s locked you into living out manifesting propaganda….
And of course attempting to initiate/ manifest is devastating to the alignment of Generators.
As the most deeply conditioned of ALL the types (Yes, above Projectors!) the not self mind will spend it’s entire life trying to get you to manifest, because when you manifest the not self has you locked in….
Anchored in the programming & conditioning.
Operating from massively limited potential.
Implants, programming, conditioning…. It all WANTS you to try and manifest to keep you exactly where you are.
I see it all the time with MGS.
On a hamster wheel without the exponential wealth & impact they came here to have…
Without the EASE that naturally flows from the aura.
The MG will manifest to skip levels, and this is typically a subconscious reaction… Frustration sets in over being “Stuck”, which is a normal Generator process, and the easiest thing to do in that moment is to try and manifest the next step.
In business this may look like trying to force or figure out the next program, post, launch, networking opportunity (Especially as the 4th line), etc.
Manifesting Generators are here to make decisions in response ONLY. This is something so simple that will make a massive difference in your life, business & relationship with money.
When you initiate you miss things….
Missing things is an energy leak & causes a great deal of frustration.
And as sacral beings the more frustrated you are, the more you lean forward and push….
The more likely you are to quit.
YOUR soul KNOWS you came here for ease & flow.
The Generators literally have the EASIEST design.
Like, can’t mess it up when you get out of your own way easy.
Be your magical self.
Your aura pulls in everything TO YOU.
Yes. No.
I have a fantastic podcast episode about this on the Quantum Alchemist podcast! Make sure to check it out and share!
If you are a MG & desire to dig more into your design I have some spots available later this month for foundation calls….
If you are ready to help MGS get UNSTUCK from this vicious cycle we begin the Quantum Human Design Coaching Certifications next week!!! This is an epic 9 month journey not just into your own alignment & understanding of your mechanics…
But the ability to create quantum shifts in your clients as well.
Trust me, when you bring someone the mechanics of Human Design, things change.
It creates more expansive energy…
If you desire to be a legacy leader as we move into 2027 don’t miss out on the Quantum Human Design Certs! For the new frequency of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix it is critical that we are all operating as our own authority, grounded in our own truth.