The Radical Happiness Movement


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Money, Abundance & Human Design

#abundanceandhumandesign #abundancecodeshumandesign #humandesign #humandesignblog #humandesigncoach #humandesignforbeginners #manifestationbabe #moneymanifestation Oct 14, 2020
Wealth themes, money & abundance in Human Design.
“How can I magnetize more abundance?”
I get this question so often, especially lately….
Or simply statements that someone needs to “get in alignment to magnetize abundance”.
I will give it to you straight: This is the wrong question and why so many people stay exactly where they are in this world. It is ass backwards and trying to live out your purpose, and therefore magnetize your soul money, is not going to work coming at it from the 3rd dimensional world.
But let me say this:
It isn’t your fault that things have seemed harder than you were led to believe.
It is black magicians in white hats trying to imprint in your mind that all it is about is “getting in alignment” or “changing your mindset” or “calling in your soul aligned clients” that will allow you to manifest a life, and money, you desire.
Yet, this is all coming from the shadow/ not self world.
Alignment is such a trendy work now, I challenge if anyone knows what it truly means.
The illusion, the veil, that alignment equals you “just following my _ step process YOU TOO can live this lavish lifestyle and have more money than you know what to do with!”…
Is, well, bull. But powerful marketing strategy mixed with some spells and sleight of mouth.
These imprints get imbedded in your subconscious programming and create a hamster wheel of chasing what the homogenized world, and black magicians, have deemed to be the “secret” to a “life wilder than your dreams”.
The irony of Money and Human Design is that “abundance” in the chart (which includes money) is RECEPTIVE.
That means to create more money you often have to learn to surrender, allow, “let go” and wait.
Yes, even Manifestors.
That’s pretty counter-intuitive to what we’ve been taught…
In fact, the very question “How do I manifest more money” is not receptive. It is from the energy of leaning forward, masculine, give me the steps and I will do it.
Further, despite what large influencers have led you to believe….
There is no "frequency of money". There is no one "frequency of the Quantum". There is no one sized fits all Manifestation.
YOU came here with a unique blueprint. A very very unique frequency that allows you to receive in a very unique way. This is also why I say your Human Design goes farrr beyond just what you see in terms of the open centres….
Plus your Human Design bodygraph is only part of the story & doesn’t include your natal chart!
Your blueprints receptivity is the key to the Quantum.
The ying and yang.
And EACH Human Design Type has a different path to money and their own unique set of challenges.
Every type, and every being that manifested here at this time, is here to be wealthy. There are NO designs that “aren’t” set up for abundance.
Your Human Design TYPE sets the strategy for your creative flow. While type is NOT the whole story, by a long shot (And doesn’t even take into account your natal chart) it is the very foundation of how to start shifting into a receptive frequency and begin the process of opening yourself up to more abundance.
Your strategy comes from your type.
Strategy aligns your decisions and actions with your type, which starts to allow the synchronicities of the Universe.
I taught this in Magnetic Wealth, my wealth program: Your thoughts calibrate your emotions, which calibrate your heart. We often react to our emotions and think our emotions came first but a THOUGHT always comes first. We simply aren’t CATCHING the subconscious thoughts…
When we are looking at alignment it is brainwave coherence. It is, first and foremost, the same frequency across all our bodies:
Mental, emotional, spiritual & physical.
Second, it is aligning with our SIGNATURE.
You see, worrying about money is not the spirit. The spirit does not worry about money. Yes, your birthright is abundance but that is not what the spirit worries about.
The spirit is here to live our your souls mission… Your golden path… Your truth north star on this Earth….
It is the homogenized world that has caused you to fixate on money first, and it is out of alignment with who you truly are.
Your Human Design & Natal Chart holds the codes for your Life & Soul Purpose. THAT is the very key to your starting point. Getting clear on your golden path & mission here.
Starting to align with that frequency comes from aligning with your signature, not what the homogenized world tells you what you should be focused on or worried about.
Manifestors âžł The frequency of peace.
Generators/ MGS âžł The frequency of satisfaction.
Projectors âžł The frequency of success.
Reflectors âžł The frequency of surprise.
The irony is that when you align with your signature you begin to shift into a receptive mode. You start to align with your souls purpose. You do work that makes you happy. You do work that sets your soul on fire…
You do work that quiets your mind because everything finally makes sense….
And from that place…
Abundance flows.
It is the greatest irony of all those manifestation courses. They teach you how to worry about things, and focus on things, that don’t matter. And that is the frequency of the not self world; the program; the matrix.
From there we have even MORE key foundational pieces for the designs:
The Manifestors wealth theme is non verbal creative flow (this is also why informing does not come naturally for a Manifestor). You are here to experience your inner flow, stay attuned to the needs of that inner flow and honour that inner flow through taking action!
You are PURE divine inspiration flowing through human expression.
The challenge with your design is burnout (undefined sacral), not needing others, interruptions to creative flow and the impact on others. In a perfect world a Manifestor would be able to go out and do what they want and not tell anyone, because they are serving a divine creative flow, however informing is 1) a show of respect and 2) making sure others get out of the way so you can follow your flow without being interrupted. People NOT getting out of your way is what triggers your not self theme (or shadow) of anger…
Anger is a signpost you are out of alignment with your flow. Anger actually isn’t an appropriate word for what this represents, however. It is simply that jolt, that spark, that fire that happens when someone interrupts your flow, and yes, this can become a lifelong undercurrent of their frequency, impacting all bodies, if not dealt with.
Generators’s & Manifesting Generators wealth theme is mastery over time and they have the EASIEST way of going about that: Moment to moment responses to life! We are here to BUILD the mastery to hold the frequency of the new Earth. What shows up in your PHSYICAL world, not your brain, and respond to it! Hell yes or no. Do what feels good and don’t judge yourself. Do what you have energy for and don’t judge yourself. Generators will feel frustrated if things aren’t moving fast enough (based on the mind) or when things aren’t showing up how they mentally decided they want them to.
Challenges of their wealth theme is finding the right work, frustration and therefore quitting, lack of patience, and the mind not trusting the sacral. Generators are masters of quitting rightttttt before they become masterful. Managing the frustration is key! The sole difference for MGS is they are here to find the shortcuts to mastery.
The Projector wealth theme is the midwife to the Universe. You are here to manage & guide creation, through waiting to be invited. If you are a burned out do the bare minimum of what you have to do until your energy stores are replenished. Continuing pushing will only create more resistance and lower energy stores. You carry within you the energy template of what is to come. You are here to guide us to the new earth & new frequency. On the energetic level you are holding and stabilizing a new energy grid for the planet.
The challenges Projectors face are sustainability in a world that pushes you to work harder, self worth, needing recognition, trusting abundance of the universe & not knowing self deeply enough to be following what you are here to be doing.
The Reflector’s wealth theme is the karmic mirror; the mirror of wealth or dysfunction in their environment. You have a very unique role in the bringing in of the new frequency. With the Teflon aura & ability to sample the energy the way you do you will be able to guide us in a way no other can. Now, with that said your abundance will stop if you are in the wrong place or with the wrong people… And this includes working with the wrong people. Make sure you are aware of your worth and work with people who reflect that.
When you are living in the right place with the right people, in the ENERGY of abundance, your OWN abundance will be positively impacted. This is NOT a victim. This is taking charge of who you are around and where you live. Knowing that you are sensitive to your environment and noticing that if YOU are experiencing issues you are not in the right place or with the right people.
Some challenges of the Reflector are sustainability/ burnout, extreme sensitivity to the energy around you, feeling like an outsider, trusting & support, waiting the 28 days (your 28 lunar cycle). You MUST know how the lunar cycle impacts your chart.
For all types: If you get burned out you stop attracting things. You start to attract stillness. A pause. Because the Universe can feel that you are burned out. It is responding to your energy of needing to take time away, and burn out is much more common for the non sacral beings. If you stop attracting what you desire often the BEST thing you can do is pause and ALLOW space between particles.
MANY people are putting off “burned out” energy, or their not self theme, into the world without even realizing it, strictly from being EXHAUSTED from trying to figure it out or trying to attract their dream life.
To wrap this up:
There is no "frequency of money". There is no one "frequency of the Quantum". There is no one sized fits all Manifestation.
Through embodying your Cosmic Blueprint you are able to activate YOUR unique DNA and align with YOUR soul aligned money, with YOUR soul aligned clients and with your vibrational frequency within the Quantum that magnetizes everything that was always meant for you.
By following your human design type's wealth theme you can make money work for you!
Coming soon: A monthly low cost Human Design & Astrology membership! Also, Level 1 of the Certification Course Cosmic Human Design & Astrology, coming January 2021!! This level can be used as a certification OR simply as a course for more information on your cosmic blueprint!
You can also grab a copy of my FREE 35 page Cosmic Body Guide here:
With cosmic love & pixie dust,

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