Money Expands to Meet the Size of Your Mission
Aug 23, 2022
Wealth will expand to meet the size of your mission & support you in carrying out your vision.
Today I stopped by the tack store to pick up a few supplements for the horses this month. Their supplements total about $1, 200 monthly alone. As I stacked arm full after arm full on the counter it reminded me of a (true) joke in the horse community:
Horses' bills expand to the size of your budget.
It got me thinking about business & the co-creative process we enter in with wealth.
Wealth, too, will expand to the size of your mission & support you in carrying out your vision. I do not believe you are here with a massive mission in your heart, both in your business & simply in the world, to not be able to fulfill it.
And, on the material plane money speaks, money opens doors, money helps, and money allows you to serve more people.
Wealth supporting you to the level of your vision is also what I believe Ra Uru Hu was speaking about when he spoke about allowing the environment to take care of you, and through following strategy & authority you will never “go without”, as he put it.
Your mission, however, is simply a potentiality. Whether you fulfill it or not is free will.
The more you allow yourself to expand, take up space, and enter into new ways of BEING in the world, so too does wealth.
It is time to stop needing approval to play bigger, win bigger, & live bigger in your life.
When you show up for your vision, it shows up for you.
This world is one of abundance, prosperity, flow, & love. Attune to it, be it, receive it.
So, today, choose your vision, the expansiveness of your potentiality, & the prosperity waiting on the other side of the permission slip you can simply give yourself.