Money Magnetism and the Undefined G Centre

Oct 10, 2020


I am doing it a slight injustice trying to fit the G Centre into a single post, although I do post about it frequently. The G Centre will be a HUGE focus of training in Level 1 Comic Human Design & Astrology, when we begin in January!
This is the Center that provides your unique direction in life so that you can experience correct love & be in the right place at the right time. Your internal GPS, if you will!
Your higher self is pulling beauty, love & your unique path to you as you live in alignment with your design. This centre also governs your liver and blood and can cause detrimental health effects if you stay around the wrong people or stay in the wrong location. This may not be felt immediately but the undercurrent of stress, anxiety, etc, caused by being around the wrong people and in the wrong place will take its toll.
If your G Center is undefined, the gates waiting to be activated are themes you are genetically programmed to experience when your G Center is activated by transits (through the neutrinos) or people in your environment. Remember, this energy is not consistent and cannot be relied upon to make decisions, but provides a consistency in the lessons to be learned when you go to school in the world of love and direction. And those lessons provide wisdom, which then become something you are able to share with the world!
The most critical aspect to know about your G center, if it is undefined, within your Human Design bodygraph is that place is incredibly important to you. If you are not in the correct place, you cannot thrive. Period. I have worked with parents where a simple move of bedrooms changed everything for their kids, clients who moved across the country and their business blew up, or even just changing desk locations within their house changed their ability to receive & magnetize abundance.
You also cannot be correct in relationships, career or family if you are in the wrong place - even if you are with the correct people. Confusing, right? If this doesn’t make sense, have you ever been around someone at maybe a party or event you were dragged to and you just didn’t jive. But you saw the person somewhere else and they were just your SOUL ALIGNED BESTIE?! It is because the PLACE wasn’t correct, not the person. I also see this in clients relationships if one person has an undefined G…. Simply moving can change the entire dynamics of the relationship.
If you are interviewing people to hire for your team (or even going on a date!), with an undefined G, ensure you are in the right PLACE to interview them. Make sure the PLACE holds the vibration you desire. It will ensure you are getting the correct reading off the person you are interviewing!
Things just won’t work out if you aren’t in the right place. So following your Strategy and Authority is key for your life to unfold correctly, without fixating on finding direction and love because that will be naturally drawn to you.
You are the chameleon! Allow yourself to try on others directions without becoming attached to them or absorbing them! You are NOT meant to have a fixed direction or identity! This is a blessing, not a curse!
Also, if you have an Open G (with no gates defined in that white diamond), not knowing what to be is a strong theme when you are not operating correctly and can lead you up into your head centre of thinking about things that don’t matter. More than most, it is very important for you never to give authority to anyone else, even your coach - the moment that you do that, you are deeply conditioned, and you cannot live out your unique potential. This happens frequently where women (and men!) calibrate to a coach, or feel they need to, losing their identity within the coaches identity. This is a not self characteristic and blocks abundance, happiness & health.
The depth of conditioning, when your G Center is open or undefined, can create a lot of trouble when operating as not-self, especially with regards to career and relationships. Always questioning whether you are on the right path or with the right person can undermine your sense of identity and self, causing a lot of unnecessary unaligned pivots or self doubt. Now, I am a big supporter of pivoting when you are called to pivot, however the disorganized frantic energy the not self G centre gives off will be very different than an aligned undefined G centre simply following the flow of life and trying on different directions.
I would LOVE to hear some wins or struggles you have had with the undefined G centre! I know this is a LOT of information, and the not self mind can try to force understanding. Know and trust your cells are receiving this and rearranging themselves the way they need to.
I am also putting together a free PDF with 4 of my FAVOURITE pieces of Cosmic Human Deign & Astrology to help you start living in alignment NOW! I will elaborate on this post within the PDF in regards to how Astrology plays a role with your health and the bodygraph! Stay tuned as I get that together!
Enrolment is also now open for the LEVEL 1 COSMIC HUMAN DESIGN & ASTROLOGY certification (although you can use this as a course as well for personal understanding and use if you wish!). It isn’t until the professional level that you learn about the fusion of Human Design & Astrology with the official schools! We already have an INCREDIBLE, next level group of women registered! The vibrational frequency that will be held in this certification ALONE will change your life!
Price goes up at the end of November! For those that sign up before Dec 1st I am recording SPECIAL content on Success on the Material Plane (Money Magnetism/ Selling through your openness & Cosmic HD & Astrology) AND I am recording a video on the Success Codes within Human Design for those that sign up before Dec 1st as well!!

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