Projector vs Reflector Nuances in Business

Aug 14, 2022

Projector vs Reflector nuances in business:

The two non-energy beings have small nuances that create HUGE differences in positioning within business.  

In business you want to be relevant to the right people, and this is done by positioning yourself in alignment with your unique strengths, gifts, & unfair advantage.  Your design is a large part of your unfair advantage; what makes you the EXPERT in what you do. 

First, it is important to have discernment between what is your energy & what is the others.  This can be especially difficult for the Projector, with their penetrating aura. The only way as a non-energy, non-Sacral being that you can live in a Sacral world is that you live correctly; otherwise, you’re carried away in it & will continually meet resistance in business.

We live on a plane that is saturated with frustration, with 70% of the population being Generators (This includes MGS) who are not living correctly.  Due to this identification with the energy they are bringing in I continually experience Projectors & Reflectors who are frustrated & seeking satisfaction in their work. 

It’s not what your lives are about, nor are your lives about satisfaction. These are themes that really belong to the Sacral being & as long as you are operating from that place no matter how great your offers, no matter how great your content, no matter how perfected your funnel: You will meet resistance & things will be harder than you know they are meant to be.

Ra Uru Hu said: “We are not here to avoid any of these themes. But we are not here to be trapped in them through conditioning.  The vast majority of Projectors that I've met in this life I have met as Generators, not as Projectors, but Generators, real Generators.  Until the non-Sacral being has really rigidly lived their nature, only then are we really going to understand our place in this Generator world, because we do have a place.”   

And for Reflectors, yes, you can be conditioned by others auras if you are in the wrong place with the wrong people.  When correct, your primary conditioning is the neutrino field.  Incorrect, and just like a Teflon pan that has been in the wrong place with the wrong people your aura loses its Teflon coating & you become vulnerable to others' conditioning.

Regardless of design identification with the energy being brought in is what creates resistance.  If you identify with what you are taking in through your openness you are not able to be WISE on it, therefore sales become harder.

Now, for the Projector & Reflectors let’s look at the nuances that allow you to gain a huge energetic edge in business:

The Projector has the potential to recognize how Sacral energy can be used effectively, when invited whereas the Reflectors have the potential, more than anyone, to tell when a Sacral being is truly correct.

Going a big further:


  • Helps facilitate energy moving forward/ guide the process along.
  • About mastering a system.
  • Maximize energy & resources of clients.
  • Help people understand themselves on a deeper level.
  • It is NOT about directing people where you THINK they should go, it is about guiding their energy.



  • Objectively access how things are progressing.
  • *When correct* can tell when someone is correct or not.
  • Very wise perspective on the process.
  • Naturally help see others what is not working & gently guide them back.
  • Here to move humanity towards a just, peaceful, global community.

When you stop identifying with what you are bringing in, learn discernment of your energy vs others, & leverage YOUR unfair advantage, even these small nuances, you truly gain a massive energetic edge in business.

A long term mastermind will be launching late August, for those that are desiring high level support.  Type specific 6 week mini minds are also happening for a really high intensive deep dive into each design.  Non energy types will be 2023, with Manifestors up next & a VIP waitlist open now!



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