PSA for Manifesting Generators in Business

May 23, 2022

The tragic aspect of Human Design is that it has become so popular a lot of people are saying a lot of things, most of which are wildly inaccurate.

Manifesting Generators seem to take the brunt of it. And funny enough conditioned MGS fight it the MOST in my comments when I point out the inaccuracies.

Energy doesn’t lie.  Mechanics don’t lie.

Most people sharing Human Design online don’t know the mechanics & bumper sticker catch phrases go viral, which hurts people.  How do I know?  People typically find me after being hurt by incorrect information & now they have a business they hate that turned into a hamster wheel with absolutely no freedom.

Guess who this impacts the most…

Manifesting Generators.

(Manifestors are another one greatly impacted)

The truth is, you cannot take ANY aspect of a chart, even type, and make a sweeping generalization.  And, ultimately, no one is your authority.  Not the guru online, not Sally with the viral post, and not even Human Design.

YOU must decide the business model (and life) that lights YOU up the most long term.  And this can only be done aligned when you surrender and respond to life coming to you in the moment.

Let’s bust some myths, shall we?

1️⃣ A Manifesting Generator with the sacral & throat defined will have significantly LESS energy than an energy Projector with the ego, solar plexus, & root.  Sure, it is a different type of energy they will both have yet the MG will still have less (typically) overall.

2️⃣ The MG is NOT a hybrid! At all.  As Ra said:  A Generator is a Generator is a Generator.  Ra was aware of what was being said & he spoke out on it prior to his passing.

3️⃣ An MG does NOT inform!!!! The Manifestor is the only one that informs.  Now, typically someone will respond to this in my comments saying “Well, it works better when I tell my husband I am doing something rather than just doing it so I don’t agree”.  Well, I imagine so!  Design doesn’t negate communication.  That is not what is being discussed with informing as a function of design.

4️⃣ The MG is not meant to have all the balls in the air.  They are not inherently meant to be doing all the things.  A lot of MGS come to me hating their business & burned out AF trying to maintain that.  The MG is an efficient builder. Period.  It is a lot harder to be efficient at what you are building when you are building 5 different things at once.

5️⃣ Ultimately, it comes down to YOUR strategy & authority.  Sometimes there are hard lessons on the path of discerning the mind from the inner authority.  The mind will have a lot of conditioned ideas on who you are & how things are meant to go.  If you want to build 5 things at once, go for it, if it is aligned! This goes for any design, not just the Manifesting Generator. 

Discernment between the mind, conditioning, & inner authority must be made clear.  Anything with should, need to, have to, or reasons afterwards is not inner authority.  It is the chatter of the mind.

At the end of the day, with collective circuitry I simply share.  I am not here to force anyone. Individuals can do with it what they will, and I am here for those high performer MG’s burned out from the hamster wheel & hustle culture simply because they felt they “had to to be aligned”.

New 1:1 offers dropping Monday! Limited space!



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