The Illusion of The Maya Human Design
Jan 07, 2024
Who we think we are is an illusion.
“When you say to the personality, “honor your authority, honor your strategy,” the personality says, “Is this a rule? All right, I’ll try it.” It doesn’t change anything.
I know people who have experimented with Human Design, their design, deeply. Not all of them see differently while they’re in that process. Not all of them do. The passenger is such a complex thing and so fragile. And the personality, what the personality goes through.
You can’t see like me, and I can’t see like you. And at our perfection that’s an absolute, because that’s the law of differentiation. For each and every one of us ultimately to reach that point in our process where we see as we are intended to, what a trip.
It’s all a magic show, really, it’s a magic show. And the excitement in this process is to penetrate that, to see how the trick works, to figure it out. Because nobody has ever understood how the mind truly works.
I’m not talking about the brain; I’m talking about mind. This is about understanding how the mind works. And realizing something that has not been seen, that is not understood, that there are very specific mental types, that is, very specific ways in which the experience, the process of being, is intended to be seen; the potential. “
~Ra Uru Hu
As a student at the Differentiation College at the IHDS I am honoured to offer Holistic Human Design packages.
I have studied, and I am extensively certified, at both the BG5 Business Institute & the IHDS, combining both to bring you a unique pathway to your deconditioning journey as an entrepreneur & high performer.
I stay true to the Science of Differentiation & in no way make it up as I go or change it to make it more “digestible” or viral.
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