Human Design & Relationships: Dominance Channels

May 28, 2024

Partnership chart in Human Design

Do you ever feel attracted to someone then, once the honeymoon phase wears off, those “quirks” suddenly become…


We can explain that in the Human Design bodygraph.

Let’s use my partnership as an example.

Something that comes up in my relationship is my 23-43.  As a Generator, my partner being a Projector with an undefined Ajna, the conversation of “my ideas don’t seem to be heard” is something that comes up often.

It isn’t intentional,  I do not intentionally appear “deaf” to others' ideas, and often I feel horrible for it because it’s true.  I am deaf to others' ideas.

So what is happening?


First, the 23-43 is an individual circuit.  To understand the partnership we have to understand the mechanics.

How does individuality Human Design work? 

The most important thing to remember is that individual circuitry is deaf to any external influence. Deafness is one of the key properties of individuality. 

Let’s think about what individual circuitry represents: Empowering others through YOUR individual process.  The circuitry, to achieve this, is protected from outside influences with a “deafness”.  You can tell the person something a hundred times but they won’t hear you.

They are deaf to knowledge.

Second, my 23-43 is activated in Venus, my values, therefore my ideas are rooted deeply in my values & what is important to me.  This can definitely come across as someone who is bull headed or strong willed (especially with my defined ego).  This benefits my design as it gives me the energy to correct the patterns (58-18) that are important to me.  Gate 43 is also activated in Saturn, one track mind.  This one, I believe, speaks for itself!

I have lost a lot of friendships over the years due to people being deeply offended over this aspect of me & who I am.  With my open solar plexus it can be a real challenge to navigate the terrain of individuality while also having a fear of triggering others or “rocking the boat”.

This means I often unintentionally upset others by not taking their ideas into account.  This also makes me wildly effective at what I do.  I am able to go into someones brand or business & my one track mind can effectively correct the patterns that help with new concepts & ideas assisting the brand with breakthroughs in ways that weren’t thought about previously.

Yet, I understand how that “deafness” can cause issues in personal relationships.

Third, my partner does not have the 23-43, that is what makes it a “dominance” channel.  We are attracted to what activates us, however the very things that attract us to people often are the things that aren’t so cute years into a relationship when one partner is thinking “Can you just hear my ideas for once!”


  • Brings comfort in knowing something very consistent in your partner since it is ‘all them’ and operates consistently with you and others. 
  • It's something in your partner that has nothing to do with you.
  • Learn to appreciate it rather than resist it otherwise it can bring about issues.

“You don't enter into a relationship as yourself. You become the relationship characteristics. You become them. So, Dominance gives you a view. It gives you a view of the consistency of the being you're connected to. More than that, this is where you have the deepest potential learning from a partner. In other words, somebody who has a definition in some area that you don't have, that brings the opportunity of really understanding that process. It's consistent, it's always there, and you get access to it.”  ~ Ra Uru Hu 

The most important thing to realize with dominance is that your partner isn’t trying to be annoying, get you upset, or do something “to” you.  It acts without their conscious awareness.  For myself, this IS something I consciously work on as I do know it is a challenge for those around me, however I will never change my design.

My approach, with myself and clients, is this: We must take responsibility for our shadow patterns as well as strengths.  Our blueprint isn’t a good reason to ignore how we impact others, and simply understanding how we are wired can be incredibly helpful!

While I don’t advertise partnership calls at this time I do take on a limited number of clients.  If this is something you would like to explore please feel free to DM me or email [email protected] for more information!


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