The Blog

Soulful Sales Using Human Design

#ashleybrianaeve #badassbusinessbabe #bossbabe #bossbabeblog #businessbyhumandesign #businesscoaching #humandesign #humandesign&business #humandesignblog #spiritualawakening #spiritualbossbabeblog Mar 21, 2022

I have been testing how to amplify impact & income for my 1:1 clients from a place of SOUL,

From embodiment.

From the sacred desires of their heart, not the ego mind.

From a place that allows the environment to take care of them with wealth simply because they are born for opulence, rather than because they are seeking, chasing, or working towards.

I started out in business strictly in the strategy world.  I worked with some of the industry’s top business mentors (And still do) in terms of strategy.  And yet, for a new entrepreneur I was continuously stuck attempting to put strategy before energy.  It felt like putting the cart before the horse.

I then swung allllll the way to the other end of the pendulum and tried to do energy with NO strategy.  I was camp “fuck the stategy” for a long time.  I burned out & hit brick walls more than once prior to realizing something had to change.

So I found an ebb & flow myself then moving on to helping my clients find their delicate dance with the beat of Earth that allows them to both operate in the creativity, power, & raw chaos of the feminine but also be HELD by the bones of structure….

And yet, I sought more.

I got curious in regards to where the intersection of our STRENGTHS (definition) in Human Design met our WISDOM (openness), and what this meant for business, selling, & programs from soul.

Behind the scenes I have been testing myself, and also with my 7-multiple 7 figure clients, an intersection of the strengths & wisdom in business.  This intensive 1:1 work has allowed clients to scale to their first multiple + 7 figure years.

I have not spoken about this with ANYONE…

Before today.

I just uploaded a sneak peak to this within Keys to Cash.  I don’t have a fancy name for it yet, and I do not believe this is something Ra has spoken on & I wish he was alive so that I could speak to him on my theory.


The proof is in the pudding.

It. Gets. Results.

The dance between birthing the program & selling the program.

Is it really in our design?

Keys to Cash is available at 50% off this weekend.  I will say, this course keeps growing larger than I ever intended as now I have been called to add some mindset modules as well. This course won’t even stay at it’s current full price for long.  

Trust yourself & back yourself.

If your inner authority calls, jump in.

I am at UPW over the weekend so my availability to answer questions is limited however it is all in the sales page!

Let me just say:

This course will change the game for how business is done AND is a beautiful compliment to my course, Business by Human Design.

While Human Design certainly isn’t the only modality I use, it is the bones of everything I do…

And I can’t wait to see where this testing & refining goes for what this means as we transition into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix & helping my clients be paid ABUNDANTLY for their soul work….

From a place of ease, flow, & harmony.



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