Are you a ‘Specific’ or ‘Non-Specific’ Manifestor?

Nov 19, 2021

In all my professional studies, and in all my conversations with students of Ra, this concept never came up…

In fact, it isn’t a Human Design concept at all…

And while it may seem harmless enough the problem is it is actually the complete opposite of the foundational principle of Human Design.

Look, if you want to believe it, I am not here to argue so believe what you want..

It doesn’t make it true.


I am all for people making their own systems, I love Gene Keys, which is Richard Rudd’s view on The Incarnation Cross & the Chinese I’Ching….


And yet, those that promote this are not teaching Human Design & it is a sure-fire way to notice if someone ACTUALLY understands the mechanics or not….

I would go as far to argue that it is trying to use the popularity of the Human Design system & name to bring about something totally different.


So let’s dig in….


Those promoting the “Specific or Non-Specific Manifestor” concept appear to be using the Personality Nodes Variable (The bottom arrow on the personality side) to make the distinction…

Left being “Specific” and Right being “Non-Specific” (also referred to in this approach as “Abstract” or “General”). Some go on to give examples where in order to “manifest”, “Specific Manifestors” should make lists of very specific or detailed wants (like a red convertible or a twin flame with blonde hair, blue eyes, dimples, loves Human Design & meditates) and that “Non-Specific Manifestors” should make general lists or those with more of a range of desires (like a sports car or my soul mate).


What is this variable actually about?



The underlying Tone of the Personality Nodes (the triangle to the right of the Nodes) fixes the individual’s Perspective into either a Focused (Left) or Peripheral (Right) view of their environment.


So FIRST, you must be in the correct environment (Design Nodes) to see what is correct for you….

Then you see what it correct- And it isn’t about being caught up in the personality’s trip of this or that.  You just EXPERIENCE life- Like a movie. It is just there to be experienced.


This aspect of Variable is all about the particular perspective we are designed to have and what we are here to see our environment. It is basically indicating whether the person is designed to focus on specific things in their environment or hold a wider view, taking everything in as they see the world. Nowhere in the source material is it suggested that Nodal Tone has anything to do with one’s auric Type or manifesting/creating potential.



The Nodes are always in opposition to each other. So you're going to have 32 basic ways in which we’re imprinted to see within a framework, and yet, each and every one of us have this deeply unique quality of perspective that we see underneath; that is, we see in the color and we see in the tone…

Therefore there are THIRTY TWO WAYS in which to “see” your environment.

Further, to have a manifestation “Style” means that you have inherently NOT surrendered to your form. 

Ra said:

“Awareness becomes natural, because ****there's no agenda****. The moment your mind has to make a decision for you is the moment you have an agenda. You've got a reason. You're making things up. You're going to get stuck with all that stuff. And in the end it comes back and it bites you. Every time the mind is in control of your life is when you are no longer a passenger. You’re just caught up in the mess.”


Ra also said in regards to perspective:

“The moment that you’re a passenger, you’re not doing anything. People always like to say to me, “Oh, Ra, you’ve done such a terrific job.” And I look at them like they’re nuts. And it’s not some false modesty. It's the reality. I didn’t do anything. The doing got done. This thing does what it does. And all I can do is experience what it’s doing. And if it fucks up I experience that. And if it doesn't, I experience that. And it’s not like I can take credit for it because I can’t take credit for this mechanism that I happen to be imprinted with. There’s nothing I can do about it. All I can do is watch the movie.”

And more from Ra about perspective:


“ The first thing to grasp about what it is to be yourself is that you don't have to see what other people see. Now, that may sound simple, but it’s really profound. You don't have to see what other people see. Nobody can force you to see what you’re not here to see. And yet, most human beings are constantly being conditioned to see things the way other people see them. But by design we’re all given a unique way in which we’re here to look at the world.”




Specific manifestation vs non specific manifestation completely bypasses & ignores what is actually going on in colour & tone (These will be 2022 modules in the Human Design Coaching Academy)…

And completely misses transference….

You see, perspective is all about the mind & the unique way you are meant to see the world.

Ra also said: “This is about seeing how the way in which your life unfolds is a very natural thing that does not require your control”.


While it’s fashionable these days to talk about manifesting your dream life, there is very little in the Human Design System that supports this in the context of the Personality Nodes.


In Human Design, “manifesting” is a question of energetics or mechanics. That is, whether one of the body’s motors (Sacral, Ego, Solar Plexus, or Root) can bring its energy directly to the Throat center (representing action, communication, metamorphosis, etc.). It requires energy to bring something into form or to have an impact on the world. Simply thinking about or wanting something is rarely enough.


Approximately 8-10% of the population, Manifestors, as a Human Design Type, have a motor connected to the Throat center by at least one channel in their design. The 88-90% of the population that does not have this definition is designed to “manifest” under certain external conditions and circumstances.

For example, Generators can bring things into form in response and when the actual conditions of their life support it (ie. when there is an energetic connection to the Throat by auric interaction or planetary transit).

Projectors can manifest in a similar way in the context of relationship when the available energy and conditions support it.

Reflectors can bring things into form through time and connection with others and the larger planetary program.


Further, it is important to note that Generators are not here to work for money, attention, or recognition. The Generator energy is designed to work for the love of the work- do what you love & love what you do. Money is a byproduct.


A Sacral Authority will tell you when you have the energy for it and whether it’s actually correct for you or not to engage in this activity. Those with Emotional Authority can come to clarity on the truth of whether an experience is correct for them and the desire for it persists. Projectors are here to experience true success through being welcomed for their presence, expertise, and awareness rather than how much they can produce, perform, or imitate conditioned versions of getting attention or being successful.


Many newcomers in Human Design seem to envy the Manifestor in its capacity to initiate and be the visionary.  Again, this is another misunderstanding of the Human Design system.  It is a misconception that Manifestors can create whatever they want whenever they want, which is not true. Even for Manifestors, initiation is designed to emerge through the body’s impulses.


It is generally revered in modern culture to be self-made and a go-getter…. Which is simply being perpetuated in the specific vs non specific space.


Patience, interdependence, and trust in nature seem to contradict a popular notion that we can do and have whatever we want….

Which again, goes against the Human Design, and for that matter, Gene Keys, systems.

It is my opinion this all developed not just from a complete & utter butchery of the Human Design system online but also a fascination with manifestation.

And sometimes someone will say “Too bad, I want to believe ___”…

And that’ fine…

I am not your authority…

And if you believe in Human Design & follow the Human Design system “specific vs non specific manifestation” misses the mark so bad it undermines everything the system is about….

Passenger consciousness.


I will leave you with one more Ra quote on Perspective:


“These vehicles are quite capable of operating on their own if you stop interfering with them. That’s what Strategy and Authority does. The only thing that can interfere with your life is your mind; nothing else. It’s the only thing that can interfere with your life. And the moment you take the mind out of the equation, the moment that you just allow your vehicle to make decisions, it gets its life, this thing’s life, what I talk about of the life that you can have as yourself, because that's what is. And it's not the self of the passenger; it’s the self of the vehicle. You can see it in Design. It’s there in the G Center. It’s a self”.


I hope you found this post useful! If you did please share or check out the podcast version at “The HD CEO Psyche Podcast”!



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